shnazzleberry the original... i'm ready to explode.


Active Member
So, the strain: Shnazzleberry (the original not 2)

the issue: Generally frustrating plant.

example 1: Constant issues with cloning, always the last to shoot roots, prone to mold, and if it does root the roots are sparse and weak.

And yes, i have other strains that easily root a week faster with strong root structures.

example 2: Stretching, oh god the stretching... The plants tends to choke themselves up in the lower area of the plant, needing extreme pruning of the original clone and the new growth being the only thing to thrive...

example 3: hermie tendencies toward the last week or two of flowering. I'm aware that bananas are normal, and that Shnazz has a 9 or 10 week flowering period.

Now, the substantial evidence... I know the strain is older and who knows what generation it is now. Also, the original environment it came from is a bit warmer than my environment.

My question is, is this plant just past its prime? I'm thinking of cutting it out of my garden completely, but I would like know i'm on the right path before i do anything that drastic.

the plants during flowering are great, flowers nice and big, and packs a serious punch and flavor. I'm just too frustrated with them to even get them that far.