Shoegal's White Romulan Grow ~ 250W - 2x2


Hi everyone!
This is my first grow and I'm starting this diary a little late since my seeds sprouted about 3 weeks ago but I wanted to organize all my info and get some advice from the community about things I'm unsure about.

I bought 7 feminized seeds of White Romulan from OG Raskal and because of my tent/light setup, I decided to germinate only two of them in paper towels. It took about two days until they were ready for the soil and they sprouted after about a day under 250W MH bulb.

I'm growing in a 2x2 GL60 tent under 250W HID lights in a cool tube. I'm using a S&P TD-100x fan and pushing air through a carbon filter.

My seeds sprouted on 06/25 in a 4"x4" pot with the lights over 3-4ft. away. They were in FoxFarm Light Warrior with a layer of Ocean Forest on the bottom.
I transplanted them 07/10 into 1 gallon air pots with 50/50 FFLW & FFOF with a layer of perlite on the bottom. The lights are now about 30" away. So far they seem to be doing pretty well but I have a few of questions for you guys.

Is it normal that one of my plants seems to be developing faster than the other one?

I'm on week 4 since sprouting and the bigger one of the two is only about 3.5-4in. tall, shouldn't it be taller by now? I've read someone vegged this strain for 8 weeks from seed so maybe it's normal since it's indica dominant, I'm just curious.

As you might've noticed, I've also topped the plants. I followed the LBH's 4-way LST Tutorial and I think I'm doing it correctly so far but I have a feeling I might have plucked them too soon. I'd like some input on that from whoever understands it more than I do!

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