Should I add nutrients?


Bag seed: 34 days in veg
FFOF soil
Botonicare nutrients
distilled water with about a half teaspoon of cal mag
t5: 10,000 lumens

So basiicqlly i just wanted to ask if i needed to add nutes yet because the new tops are looking a light green color. also ive read that one should add nutes with FFOF after the first month, if this is true should i?
oh yeah my friend said this was a train wreck bag seed but its not showing any true sativa characteristics. Could it be train wreck or is it probably just some random strain thanks.



Well-Known Member
They look dark green from the pictures, you could add some grow big if you think they need it.


Well-Known Member
I use a "grow" formula after about a month in FFOF. I use that until the 2nd week of flowering and then I start adding "bloom" formula.

I use cal-mag but only because my tap water is low ppm.

So youre not using the Botanicare yet?

You could try feeding them at half strength and see how they respond. The plants look healthy to me though.


Well-Known Member
Dont use nutes with FFOF for a month. It says that right on the bag. Things look great. Do not kill them by overdoing it.