Should I be flushing now?


Well-Known Member
Hi rollitup friends! I am going pretty heavy on the fertilizer this year. Currently using FoxFarms Grow Big ( started at 1/4 teaspoon and worked my way up to 2 teaspoons ) Fox Farms Big Bloom, ( been using 2 teaspoons through out the grow ) Terminator ( started this last week using 5 ml per watering and mixed with one of the above ) I also have used Southern AG 20/20/20 although only twice starting last month ) I feel I should be flushing once in awhile to remove salt build up even though my plant does not show any signs of any nutrient defescensies ( I know I spelled that wrong ) I am correct in this? My plant is in a 30 gal fabric pot. Thank you for your help in advance I really appreciate all of you that take the time to answer my questions.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like what you are doing is working. I assume you are growing in soil? Unless you are having issues and need to flush the medium, I wouldn't run copious amounts of water through it unless you want to deplete everything that is feeding your plant.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like what you are doing is working. I assume you are growing in soil? Unless you are having issues and need to flush the medium, I wouldn't run copious amounts of water through it unless you want to deplete everything that is feeding your plant.
Thankyou I always feed it afterwards