should i discard an auto for a photo?


Active Member
purchased 6 photos 3 gelato blue 41 and 3 white widow all feminised. got 3 free autos . gorilla cookies,sour skittlez and cake batter.

cake batter is not far off harvest very frosty not particularly strong despite boasting a high 20 low 30 thc it seems mostly cbd . ive experienced this with every auto i have grown despite showing every sign of a successful harvest i think the thc potency is just not there in autos or.the frw i have grown.

once this auto is harvested there is another which is maybe 4-5 weeks off from harvest anfter that ive another auto probably 6-8 weeks for m harvest.

sprouted 2 but one harvested sooner . 8-9 weeks supposedly its been 14 weeks under 480w led and one is only beginning to near harvest maybe 2 weeks max.

i have 2 mothers of the gelato blue 41 and im beginning to think is it even worth my time flowering this last auto for a further 8 weeks. when the thc is going to be low and just start with a full tent of photo clones


Well-Known Member
I recently did that with a Northern Lights Auto grow I had. If youre not happy I say chop em. Only thing lost is a little time.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
well your going to get some differant results depending on genetix and breeders. theres no reason you cant get as near to thc in an auto as a photo now a days from what ive read.
but dont sound like thats what you got, so just go with the photo's, your garanteed a good perdentage of thc if youve spent the time going with the original breeder and not braught knockoffs


Well-Known Member
purchased 6 photos 3 gelato blue 41 and 3 white widow all feminised. got 3 free autos . gorilla cookies,sour skittlez and cake batter.

cake batter is not far off harvest very frosty not particularly strong despite boasting a high 20 low 30 thc it seems mostly cbd . ive experienced this with every auto i have grown despite showing every sign of a successful harvest i think the thc potency is just not there in autos or.the frw i have grown.

once this auto is harvested there is another which is maybe 4-5 weeks off from harvest anfter that ive another auto probably 6-8 weeks for m harvest.

sprouted 2 but one harvested sooner . 8-9 weeks supposedly its been 14 weeks under 480w led and one is only beginning to near harvest maybe 2 weeks max.

i have 2 mothers of the gelato blue 41 and im beginning to think is it even worth my time flowering this last auto for a further 8 weeks. when the thc is going to be low and just start with a full tent of photo clones
What exactly are you flowering ?
thc content doesn’t mean shit..
How do you know that its low thc though??


Well-Known Member
If your sure your 4-6 weeks on one and another 3 weeks from the other it seems youve done most the work.. no sense in tossing them..

Youve goy area to sprout new beans take advantage of that


Well-Known Member
purchased 6 photos 3 gelato blue 41 and 3 white widow all feminised. got 3 free autos . gorilla cookies,sour skittlez and cake batter.

cake batter is not far off harvest very frosty not particularly strong despite boasting a high 20 low 30 thc it seems mostly cbd . ive experienced this with every auto i have grown despite showing every sign of a successful harvest i think the thc potency is just not there in autos or.the frw i have grown.

once this auto is harvested there is another which is maybe 4-5 weeks off from harvest anfter that ive another auto probably 6-8 weeks for m harvest.

sprouted 2 but one harvested sooner . 8-9 weeks supposedly its been 14 weeks under 480w led and one is only beginning to near harvest maybe 2 weeks max.

i have 2 mothers of the gelato blue 41 and im beginning to think is it even worth my time flowering this last auto for a further 8 weeks. when the thc is going to be low and just start with a full tent of photo clones
Can't you place the pots out in the yard or something. let them do their own thing


Well-Known Member
I’d let them finish up and even go long. I’ve grown some pretty potent autos at this point, and I’ve smoked plenty of weak photos. With a few more weeks, let them ripen to harvest.