Should I File a Claim with UPS??


Well I got my 600w cooltube ballast and HPS and Mh bulbs the other day in tha mail and the fuckin MH bulb was busted with glass everywhere in tha box.

I told the people I bought it from on eBay and they rufusin to respond back so I was gonna file a claim with UPS, the only thing is that they want to know wat tha item was that was damaged and everything abbout what was in tha box. I aint want them to get suspicious and put me on a watch list or something especially since im in an apartment.

They also damaged one of my big ass packages before it even made it to my door and had to open cuz the gallon of FloraBloom busted and got on everything, I had a whole bunch of ducts and purple maxx, gravity, bushmaster and a whole bunch of weed growing materials in there.

I looked on the tracking and file a claim and the driver put on there damaged item: FloraBloom. So I kno he had to open it and see all the stuff, and now The bulbs are broken!

Should I file a claim with them or would it be too suspicious and I should just cut my loses and order another bulb??

Apprciate tha advicebongsmilie


Why not file a claim. You ordered something that was damaged in transit. There are many perfectly legal reasons for a grow light. It's not like you ordered seeds or some other questionable purchase.

My wife is a big eBay merchant (clothes/sports jerseys), make sure that you leave negative feedback if the seller is unresponsive to let others know of your bad experience with them.


Active Member
Hell yeah you need to file a claim! Dont act like your doing anything wrong and nobody will think your doing anything wrong. When i was growing mush, I went to UPS over busted spore syringes a few times and they stand to their promise, usually a check cut in a week or so, something like that, they may just replace.


Haha,, yea i figured I was bein too paranoid.

Thanks guyz, I will file a claim right away and leave negative feedback for that eBay seller.


don't leave negative feedback if it's not necessary man.
It is necessary though, I messaged them tellin em that the light bulb arrived broken 3 dayz ago, they didnt respond. I messaged em back yesterday and they still aint responded, so if they still aint say nuthin back by tomorrow I will definately leave negative feedback.

They already have negative feedback from like 6 other people complaining about the same thing, they dont respond to messages. I should of read their feedback before I bought from them I guess.:wall: