should i flower or not?


Active Member
If it were me, I would start in 2 days. That makes an even 4 weeks for vegging and you're plants are PLENTY big. They'll grow much bigger when flowering, so be ready for it.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants. You could flower those plants now if you wanted to. All depends on your needs and wants. Do you have low vertical height to grow in? Do you have a time frame you need to hit?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
yeah flower now or those will be monsters- if you havent already you may want to top... but those are way bigger than mine which i put into flowering a week ago and have already shown sex- not all the way but most... so i would go for it... Do some reading about doing a 36 hour dark period first- i highly recommend it- but it is controversial...

Here's my thread about it,
Alot of the worlds best growers recommend doing between 24-72 hours of darkness depending on strain, when indoors to induce flowering...

Let me know what you do and how it goes- great looking veg plants tho! off to a good start, first time?


Active Member
Nice looking plants. You could flower those plants now if you wanted to. All depends on your needs and wants. Do you have low vertical height to grow in? Do you have a time frame you need to hit?

yeah probably got about 5ft with light almost at ceiling but how tall you think they will get. hahha god damnit last time i didnt let them grow tall enough and now it took a lot of patience to get them where there at hahaha so i will start tomorrow i need to also get a inline fan and a filter cuz i think these mothers are goin to stink like that good gushy gushy......which i am not to pleased about another aspect i will have to dish out for. have you ever heard of parish kush? never known nuttin bout it


Active Member
yeah flower now or those will be monsters- if you havent already you may want to top... but those are way bigger than mine which i put into flowering a week ago and have already shown sex- not all the way but most... so i would go for it... Do some reading about doing a 36 hour dark period first- i highly recommend it- but it is controversial...

Here's my thread about it,
Alot of the worlds best growers recommend doing between 24-72 hours of darkness depending on strain, when indoors to induce flowering...

Let me know what you do and how it goes- great looking veg plants tho! off to a good start, first time?
actually like third. but the first time was whackkkkkk second was better but still impatient third think i did it to BIG hahah cuz i thought that to myself before i even posted. i did hydro both times before but i am leaning towards its overrated. did any u guys read my other thread about these wierd like gnat thinks that hangout on the soil. but fly around like mosquitoes when i shake plants

i will check the 36hr deal before i decide but gotta run


Well-Known Member
hey about the fungus gnats in the soil, i had em, and still might have a few more lingering to start over again, best thing to do is Neem Oil + Let the soil dry out between waters + sand ontop of soil. Apparently they like the damp soil, and they eat your roots, they lay eggs on the top soil(the sand drowns em poor it on there thick like 3/4-1")

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
where does one get neem oil, and how much do you put in? I have heard of it before... but still dont know what it is, where i can get it, or what ratio to mix it in with


Active Member

Your grow looks awesome and I am very envious! Dang should I start another grow and induced flowering early? Anyways, as the other forum members have already stated flower them bitches! I'll look out for more pictures in the future...
