Should i flush or not?


So im about a week or two away from harvesting 1 of my five ladies and i need to know if i should flush the last week or so even if i dont use nutes, i mean i do but its organic (worm castings)....well the point of flushing is to get all the salts and unwanted shit out of the soil right?


Well-Known Member
if your doing soil, and its organic nutes i would flush at least a week before, but if you can do two weeks that would be better.

and yo answer your question..yes


Active Member
if you don't use nutes then you should be fine with less than a week of flushing. just give it plenty of water on it's last week this will act as a simple flushing and maybe unlock any nutes left in the soil. what kind of soil do you use? if it's a potent mix i would flush for 2 weeks. i flush for 20 days but i use heavy ferts/nutes.


Active Member
i read this in skunk magazine an article by "the reverend" this guy has 30+ years of experience and i pretty much take his advice as law.

he says one of the most important things you can do in a plants life is water it twice.. ye i know what you're thinking but hear me out..

first water once thoroughly because roots tend to follow the water path in the soil and this created air pockets within the soil and dry spots that never get fully wet. by watering once first you ensure that the soil is fully saturated so that on your second watering it hits all of the roots. this also eliminates any dry spots unlocking any nutes left over in the soil. Make sure you wait an hour or two after the first watering to avoid overwatering your plants.

i do this every time now (even though it is a pain in the ass) i water once with plain water and wait 2 hours then i give them nutes with the second watering. do this and trust me you will see definite results. the roots are more important than whats above ground. better roots = better yield you'll hear this over and over.. and over... GL happy growing!
good stuff, all i use is a tsp. of blackstrap molasses every watering, should i flush this out or can i continue using it throughout entire budding process?


Active Member
you can keep using it but i would lower the dosage toward the end and maybe give it 3-4 day tiny flush at the end