should i get better light


Well-Known Member
putting up a reflector would help you use up all the light your edmiting, and look into cfl's, its a great way to add light


Active Member
idk aroud 50 to 100 bucks im willing to spend
If you're willing to put up that much and have time and space go for high intensity systems. put that light you have now touching the plants for now, you could get a few cheap CFL lamps and flood them with CFL light if you can't use HID in your area. You WILL need more light soon.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Looks like you'll need to get some cfls, or a few more of those lights.With cfls, you're gonna need more and more as time goes on and the plants get bigger. Some of the many varieties of compact fluorescents.

I've never grown with the tube fluorescents,but the cfl's have to get awfully close for better light penetration.The growfaq will explain it to you. could decide to make an investment and buy a HID grow light,which is what most growers prefer.It's gonna cost you a little more initially,but in the long run, it's a much better option.It grows better plants,you don't have to rig up extra fixtures to screw in all those lights because there's just one,it's more like the sun than cfl's,and you won't have a ton of bulbs to recycle.This is a 150 watter. You could grow probably two plants under it, with a couple of extra lights like you have added later on each side of the grow area.With tax and shipping mine came up to almost 90. Or you could get a big one, which requires no additional supplemental lighting.You can grow more plants under it(and even better plants),and it requires no extra lights because it has plenty of power.You will need good ventilation,because it can raise the temps quite a bit.


Active Member
at present i am using cfls and having good luck
i would agree that the HID and HPS would be better
and hope to upgade at some point in the future.
my thinking so far is that no matter what there is a place
for the cfls in the grow process and is a good way to work out
the other bugs in the grow process.
with your budget and if you are somewhat electrically inclinded
you could get at least 10 26 watt full spectrum bulbs going
and light them plants up.
another comment would beto make sure you have a good and
well drained grow medium to work with