should i get the last of us

It is a great game it got 9.5 out 0f 10 on Gameinformer.

The online is a totally new experience as well. I played it for three months leading up to the new GTA
Is it that good?
I heard good things, but if i was going to go with another game in this niche i heard better things about Walking Dead.
Mind you i don't watch the show or anything, but some of the gameplay and interesting elements i saw had my interest piqued.
It's an epic game, I've already beaten it like 4 times already. Game of the year for me and there have been a lot of good games this year.
I have been drooling for that game and Metro: Last Light for a while now but haven't had it in my gaming budget. I was recently thinking of a new game to get, maybe it will be The Last of Us.
I have been drooling for that game and Metro: Last Light for a while now but haven't had it in my gaming budget. I was recently thinking of a new game to get, maybe it will be The Last of Us.

Yeah Last light is awesome, it's been out a while so maybe the price will drop sometime soon. Waaay better than 2033 IMHO.