Should i grow hydroponic ?


I usually grow outdoor, but i decided to grow indoor for higher quality buds.
My growing room is about 12x11 ft (10 ft high), and im new to indoor growing.
Should I grow hydroponic ? In my country electricity isnt that cheap. Or should i grow in soil and then upgrade to hydroponic when i get some experience.
Thanks for the help.
I didnt design my room yet so i need to know if i have to grow hydroponic or not.


Well-Known Member
Hydro really doesn't use all that much power. But it is unforgiving. The knowledgeable hydro grower has no doubt learned by miserable failure as changes are immediate. Try to not be disappointed with the lower yields indoors. Offset by fewer bugs and fewer nosy morons. No sneaking into your grow in the rain.

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Check out Hempy Buckets. Its a Great Way for a Soil grower to ease into Hydroponics, and without all the pumps and stuff.. I have done both soil and RDWC, and am loving the Hempy Style. Hempy is what is working best for me.

Good Luck!


Active Member
Hydro really doesn't use all that much power. But it is unforgiving. The knowledgeable hydro grower has no doubt learned by miserable failure as changes are immediate. Try to not be disappointed with the lower yields indoors. Offset by fewer bugs and fewer nosy morons. No sneaking into your grow in the rain.
thats the truth!