Should I harvest??


Active Member
Hey Guys....
Need a bit of advise.
I have had my plants flowering now for just under 5 weeks.... there are only about 5% red hairs, rest are white. 2 days ago i nipped a bud off, quick dried it and had a potancy test.... 2 cones through my bucket.....
My problem is this...I was hell stoned, just as stoned as I would normally be from smoking top quality hydro skunk from my dealers. From what I know this plant being 'Brainstorm' has a flowering period of between 8-10weeks.... what should I do.... harvest now or wait??
I'm only using 4x household fluro's with 36w warm red tubes, the buds are not that thick yet but to be honest I don't expect too much seeing as though i'm giving them pretty poor quality light.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)

t dub c

Well-Known Member
wait till at least 9 weeks, maybe more because of the light situation. trust me it will be hella worth it. post some pics in a couple weeks. when the buds are thick.


Well-Known Member
deffently dont harvest. It dosnt matter what the pistols look like. Buy yourself a cheap scope from radio shack and look at the trichomes. Thats the only way to reall yknow what you harvest. Not all plants pistols change the same, but trichomes do.

but they deffently arent ready after 5 weeks, thats for sure. Dont be impatient, give them atleast 4 more.


420 Growper

Well-Known Member
jack in the box is correct check out the trichs(the actual crystal)-not the hairs

you want em to be clouded and watch for them to start to turn amber.

cloudy and a little clear still= phscoactive high,go sk8 whatever
amber and darkened=couch lock and nighty night time.