should i start to flower (12/12)


My plant's vary 9'-13' inchs.
and they have around 6-10 nodes each.
4 are toped and theres about 12 of them.
Should i start flowering now? and if i did how much would i yeild off each plant?


Well-Known Member
i think 9' 13 " = 10' 1 ". they wil be atleast 15' when done. are they inside. if outside nature flowers them for you. need to know more about setup to guess yeild.


Oh thanks, there indoor and have 1000watt cfl
im guna use good bud ferts say they come out 15" think thats around a ounce yeild each?


Well-Known Member
with 1000 watts you should flower them at 2 feet not 10 feet. there is no light reaching the bottom of those plants. how long you veg them?get more lights the most you can aford. since you already grew them so big get them light. i need pics need to see if they are streched