Should I transplant these plants yet

They're about 3 1/2 weeks old, growth is fast to be honest and in comparison to my last 4 plants that had grown 5 pairs of leaves within that period and were twice as high. I was told keeping them in a small pot will focus them more on veg growth whilst transplanting into a larger pot focusses on root growth. How's it lookin:-?


Well-Known Member

  • How's it lookin

Where is it lookin?

What size pot they in now?

If you pop out plant from it's container are roots to bottom?

I wait until roots have gone around cup once or are fighting at the bottom...

You want roots growing strong...
I'm using 2 five gallons for these ones, both plants are about 3-4 inches away from 2 fluo strips. They were transplanted about a week ago because their roots were beginning to escape the bottom of the pots they were in before. Veg growth is slow at the moment and I can't see any roots at the bottom of the pots just yet :)


Well-Known Member
A pic would help a lot here, but for the first 2-3 weeks have them in 4 inch pots with seedling mix, then to a 1 gallon with seedling mix and potting mix then after month 1 to a 3 gallon pot 70% seedling mix the rest perlite for drainage and reduce compaction, I think the light situation is starving your plants something for you to work on in the next 2 weeks
Veg is doin fine, there's no discoloration, leaves are green, stems are strong...all seems well...they are in quite large pots however which was my only concern; ahh well, I've payed heed and thanks for the info, I'll put some pics up too