Should i TRANSPLANT ??


Ok here is the situation, I have a plant that is almost 3 weeks into flowering. I have it in a 5L pale and it is clearly root bound. the plant is about 2.5 ft tall and is very healthy i have regular watering and nute schedule. I am wondering if i transplant it into a much bigger pot would it help increase yeild? or would it shock it too much and stunt its growth.

take note she was on the brink of death 2 times during veg stage, shes got a lot of fight ;) ( got everything under control now :D )

(first grow :)




Well-Known Member
Your plants look great. :leaf:

I don't think transplanting them at this point would cause a problem.

Just my $ 0.02 :joint::peace:


Active Member
She isn't root bound my friend. If you see rapid yellowing from the bottom fan leaves working up.. this is when she is root bound.
Smartpots prevent root bound plants so i would look into that if you start having problems
5gal plastic are perfect & 3 gal smart pots (or bigger of course)
anything grown in less than 5 gallon plastic pots for flower could result in root bound unless you flower at 10" or less



Active Member
The question should be "has anyonde done this"? I know I haven't. I'd be interested to see what it would do, but I wouldn't take my chance with that plant because, as mentioned by most, it looks healthy. Of course, you're smart to be looking down the road a bit, but unless the plant is showing those root bound signs, I'd ride it out with what you've got. Your pots don't even look all that puny.


Well-Known Member
The question should be "has anyonde done this"? I know I haven't. I'd be interested to see what it would do, but I wouldn't take my chance with that plant because, as mentioned by most, it looks healthy. Of course, you're smart to be looking down the road a bit, but unless the plant is showing those root bound signs, I'd ride it out with what you've got. Your pots don't even look all that puny.
If the plant is in a 5 liter (gallon and a half) pot, there will probably not be enough room for your roots to go 5 more weeks or more.

I say 1 gallon per month of growth. So a 3-5 gallon (12-20 liter) pot would do fine.

As far as stressing the plant, leaving it in the smaller pot will cause more stress and contsant watering later on.

I transplant mine on this schedule.

clones -> 1 pint cup -> 4 liter Pot - and then 12-20 liters.

I also take plant inside to outside and outside to inside.

That's my take :joint::peace:


Active Member
Okay, but have you ever transplanted a plant that was three weeks into flowering?

If you do decide to transplant it, I'd sure like to see what would happen to it, just for future reference.


Thanks guys :) i have decided to take my chances and transplant. i will repost with results in a few weeks and let you all know how it goes :)


Well-Known Member
I would transplant it, just be careful to not disturb the roots .
I prepare the pot which I am going to "transplant to" by putting a pot like the one the plant is in into the new pot and pack with soil.

Then pull out the pot and pull the plant out of the pot and put it in the prepared hole.

No stress. You can water or not depending on how wet the root ball is.

That way you are not messing with the roots in any way. :weed: