should i transplant?


Active Member
hey, its my first grow and i just finished the first week of flower. little tiny roots (like tap root size) are visible starting to poke through the drainage holes. not many tho, like 1 per hole (there are 4 plus one on the bottom). should i transplant or should i just let it get root bound? im apprehensive about transplanting cuz the plant is lst'd and its gonna be a pain in the ass to untie and retie everything.


Active Member
I think root bound is the worst thing for a new plant, I think you should transplant however I'm no expert on the subject.


Well-Known Member
transplant by all means! you should have done it a while back. do NOT let it get rootbound that is a badthing, that is when the roots have no place to grow and get all tangled up with themselves, effectively cutting off its food supply.


Active Member
Root Bound --A condition where a plant or seedling's roots have grown compacted and entwined in the pot and has no room to grow. This condition results in stunting the plants growth and potential. The solution is a larger pot or transplanting outdoors.


Well-Known Member
how big are your pots? you should be in 3-5 gallon containers now. I am into my 16th day, and just retransplanted again yesterday to 5 gallon garbage cans with drainage holes drilled into bottoms. so do it soon to lessen stress to them


Active Member
yeah i know, theres been soo much stretch since i started flower. the problem is i am really tight on space, so a bigger pot might put her too close to the lights. she's in like a 2 gallon right now, i was hoping i wouldnt have to transplant again cuz its a fast flowering strain, site said 6 weeks so i thought i'd be cutting it close with the rootbound issues. is the only thing thats gonna be affected the size/yield? cuz thats not an issue... this first grow is just for experience.


Well-Known Member
man i just had this problem i started to see roots barely coming out the bottom( i was stoned and caught it in time) finally moved it to a 5 gallon before flowering.i cant wait im gonna start flowering next saturday!!!