Should I trim the lower the bud sites?


Hey everyone. I currently have four pretty big plants 3' in a 2'x4' area and I've noticed that the lower bud sites are significantly smaller/not getting as much light as the upper canopy. Should I go ahead and trim these off and let the plant focus on the upper bud sites or is it just better to let them be?
If they are already formed flowers down there yonder I'd say you're a little late and I'd probably let them be.The prevailing wisdom if there is any is that taking some bottom branches anytime before 2 weeks of 12/12 would benefit main cola type plants.I did it with mine own eyes with blockhead getting a better harvest by removing future popcorn,and I flower with 1K horties that could easily penetrate the 3-4ft plants


Active Member
would it make a difference if you topped your plants? Or is topping and cutting off lower branches too much stress?


Active Member
also is there a special way to cut off the lower branches? aka does it have to be right beside the stem, doesn't really matter, etc.

Well-Known Member
i would... i HATE popcorn bud ... so hard to fuckin trim and deal with. but i usually only trim first week or so into flowering because the plant is still kinda veging and can repair itself fast


Active Member
Hey everyone. I currently have four pretty big plants 3' in a 2'x4' area and I've noticed that the lower bud sites are significantly smaller/not getting as much light as the upper canopy. Should I go ahead and trim these off and let the plant focus on the upper bud sites or is it just better to let them be?
I say yes. Imo its far more beneficial in more ways than one to do this rather than trim leaves to allow light to it.

Well-Known Member
when i do it i try to trim bud sites but leave the fan leaves on. works for me. check out my signature the ones in the right tray are the ones i trimed like this


Active Member
Im 4 days into flowering.. should I go ahead and trim or let em be?
oh, youre only four days in? leave it be for now. Your plant is stretching and growing at an extreme rate at this point. Those lower shoots can still catch up. When the stretch is over and buds begin to form, then choose which lower bud sites would be good to cut.


Well-Known Member
You could add some supplemental light for your lower bud sites . I used cfls and the lower bud site did get bigger. I learned my lesson though this grow is LST all the way all buds up top !
I hate popcorn too,but it definately depends on the phenotype and structure of the plant before you go whacking nodes.I have a paradise nebula that has a nice main cola and six cola's nearly as big as the main one growing like satellites and they are from the bottom nodes.If the node is a few inches long,cut it.If the plants structure is that the bottom nodes grow large like 3/4 of the way to the top of the plant,leave that puppy