should i water?


Active Member
i just put the germ'ed seeds into soil two nights ago and watered them with maybe 2 shot glasses worth of water maybe a lil more. they were sitting 24 hours under a single cfl so that really didn't kill the moisture but yesterday i went out and got a 4pk of 23w cfls and theres a definite difference in moisture from last night and this morning. last night the water was more moist and when i would dig my finger a few inches i could rub em together and feel that it was wet. today it feels warm and moist but dry. theres still probably some water in there retained but for the most part its moist-dry. probably 9-12 hours from being crusty dry but i don't want it to get to that level because they're two days old yet. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS DILEMMA


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse them....cover with plastic wrap,put inside a gallon bag,container over them............greenhouse 'em.You're soil shouldn'nt dry out.