Should i


Okay i was wondering, i grow for myself and i want dank, not just a high. Do very many people prefer to smoke hydro due to its flavor and looks. or is it more favored due to potency.


will it be worth it to go hydro or does it make that big a difference. im also using cfls if that matters.:peace:


Well-Known Member
If ur using CFL's, don't bother with hydroponics. Waste ur time with soil. If ur going to spend the time and money for a quality hydroponics setup, for god sakes buy a real light.


I dont uses them for many reasons, i can build any basic system for around 20 bucks the cash is no problem i DIYer, I dont think the way it grows means u need better lights i also pinch back and lst the hel out of everything so i can utilize my lights alot better.