Should leaf veins be yellow?


Well-Known Member
They look yellow...normal? not normal? The whole plant looks a little light green to my eye...but I have a chronic history of too much N, so maybe it is looking just as it should, but usually my leaf veins are make fun of me, just tell me if this plant is it's proper color...because what if the color I like is wrong???

See the yellow veins...and really it looks greener in the pictures than in the tent to my I guess my oroginal headline question is the only one...are the leaf veins supposed to be yellow?

mail.jpgpic 2.jpgpic 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking very good, you must be around around 4th week from flip right? you could still feed her a little grow nutes this last time IMO and then start full bloom nute regimen.


Active Member
Looks fine to me, maybe you need to up your nutes a little....I wouldnt mess with it too much since its flowering and most recommend no nutes for last week or so, plus flushing... Claim is it makes your smoke bad... I dont know about that though.


Well-Known Member
Looking very good, you must be around around 4th week from flip right? you could still feed her a little grow nutes this last time IMO and then start full bloom nute regimen.
Wow spot on! First day of week 4 was yesterday. Kick ass...that is a skill


Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me, maybe you need to up your nutes a little....I wouldnt mess with it too much since its flowering and most recommend no nutes for last week or so, plus flushing... Claim is it makes your smoke bad... I dont know about that though.
Well it still has 4 weeks or more to go so I think I might give it a little N with it's next feeding. I am using organic nutes so the flushing shouldn't be too big a deal...I mean I don't give any nutes for like the last 2 or 3 waterings, but those are a long way off...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...well I think I figured out the problem...You see I had noticed that this plant needed to be watered with at least a gallon of water every other day, where as all the other plants only needed water every few I got to checking and yes indeedy she was outgrowing her pot, and I know they say that you shouldn't transplant once they are in flower, but she needed it...her top leaves were starting to curl all around weird like within the last 24 hrs so I figured it would be better to transplant and have her distressed for a few then to leave her in a too small pot...Which brings me to another do people use like 1 gallon pots for the whole grow?! She was in a 3 gallon and it was nowhere near large enough apparently.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...well I think I figured out the problem...You see I had noticed that this plant needed to be watered with at least a gallon of water every other day, where as all the other plants only needed water every few I got to checking and yes indeedy she was outgrowing her pot, and I know they say that you shouldn't transplant once they are in flower, but she needed it...her top leaves were starting to curl all around weird like within the last 24 hrs so I figured it would be better to transplant and have her distressed for a few then to leave her in a too small pot...Which brings me to another do people use like 1 gallon pots for the whole grow?! She was in a 3 gallon and it was nowhere near large enough apparently.
A good rule of thumb is 1 gallon per month of growth. If I'm going to veg and flower the plant I might end up using small pots during germ, mid-size during veg (1-3gal) and big ones to finish them (5 gallon or more). You can do a successful transplant at this point but you might need some help from a friend as you gotta lift the whole plant and turn it upside down grabbing the base of the stem really tight, also making sure you cause the less stress possible. You want the whole shaped block of dirt out of the pot, squeeze or shake the pot a bit if the soil doesn't give in. Have ready your 5 gal pots and the a light feeding ready and if you can add a bit of superthrive even better but only this time. The worst thing that could happen if you do it right is to delay harvest day by a week or less.


Well-Known Member
Well I transplanted without help or reason to worry about the soil keeping it's shape...there was very little "soil" left...all roots...anyway I shook it around a little to loosen he rootst up and then stuck her in a 7 gallon but I didn't add any nutes because of the new soil, I find that the FFOF has enough nutes for awhile even when just adding some new it still has fresh nutes in it, but I did water her in with some sea kelp, and already this morning her buds were bigger and her leaves brighter. So no worries all is well She never missed a beat...


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb is 1 gallon per month of growth. If I'm going to veg and flower the plant I might end up using small pots during germ, mid-size during veg (1-3gal) and big ones to finish them (5 gallon or more). You can do a successful transplant at this point but you might need some help from a friend as you gotta lift the whole plant and turn it upside down grabbing the base of the stem really tight, also making sure you cause the less stress possible. You want the whole shaped block of dirt out of the pot, squeeze or shake the pot a bit if the soil doesn't give in. Have ready your 5 gal pots and the a light feeding ready and if you can add a bit of superthrive even better but only this time. The worst thing that could happen if you do it right is to delay harvest day by a week or less.

I would give you rep, but apparently I like what you say because it tells me I can't and have to share. lol