Should my plants look like this after pruning?


Well-Known Member
So I just went about my first attempt at pruning and not sure if this is a normal response from the plants.
I don’t think I overdid it in terms of pruning too much, but maybe 5 minutes after pruning and back into the tent they look as if they’re droopy and overwatered. I went about pruning by rolling the stem and plucking, did not use shears.
I did give them ph’d water right after the pruning as my soil tester said the soil was dry. Gave each plant appx 3/4 gal water > 3 gal pots.
First pic is from yesterday (before pruning/watering). Second pic is from about 5-10 minutes after pruning/watering.
So...normal reaction or did I fuck up?


Well-Known Member
Cold water will make the plant behave that way, temporarily. ¾ gal per 3 gal pot is typically what I do in 3 gal smart pots. I water with plenty of run off. Every 2 days. I think those plants will come around in a few hours.
When you say plenty of runoff, how much are you talking about?
After I fed them the 3/4 the runoff was only enough to fill the grooves in my drip tray, now wondering if that’s enough runoff


Well-Known Member
FYI—I never let my water sit to get to ambient temperature. The leaves simply show a reaction to the cold in the same way they ‘pray’ when the canopy gets a little warm.


Well-Known Member
FYI—I never let my water sit to get to ambient temperature. The leaves simply show a reaction to the cold in the same way they ‘pray’ when the canopy gets a little warm.
I think my problem this time was while I was Ph’ing one of my gallons. I got annoyed with adding ph up/ph down so I dumped that gallon and filled right away without letting it warm up-testing my ph got me all flustered haha