The DEA should be defunded.
It's essentially a parasitic freedom killing and sometimes people killing organization that acts as if individual people should have no say in what they consume, grow or trade in.
As far as "legal recreational marijuana" (prohibition lite) that's a scam to ensure the right people make money or have power, just like hard core prohibition was. Every "legal state" taking licensure money is legally complicit in committing "federal crimes". Which illustrates the whole stupid make shit up as they go along aspect to "drug enforcement". It's a giant cluster fuck legally and a joke, sort of a microcosm of all things government.
What should happen is government should have ZERO to do with anything concerning the prohibition, regulation or licensure of substances. Those choices should be left up to peaceful individuals. Grow what you want, possess what you want and engage in peaceful trade if you like. The laws of supply and demand and an actual free market would decide what the prices are, as they should.
What "legal marijuana" sales does is create a divide. It instills a "don't tread on me, go tread on them" attitude for the slaves that pay the state extortion fees to operate legal recreation. Basically, if you suck the States cock and go against free market people, marijuana isn't bad anymore. It's pretty fucking overtly a silly game designed to reward some and punish others.