Should you say Hi to your neighbors?


Well-Known Member
Do you say Hi to your neighbors? if so how often? In apts do you ignore your neighbors when you pass them or say hi? if you say hi how often? everytime? once a day? only the first time?


Well-Known Member
ha ha, I stress about this all the time. I would wave but then they'd want to talk and that scares me. but I bake cookies for them and run away.


Active Member
I always say "how are you doing" or "whats up" to anyone I pass in my building. Nothing formal, not looking for a conversation, just a passing acknowledgement


Pickle Queen
i throw all my dead animals over the fence.

and what neighbours? mine are acres away!!
But i do smile and say hi to people in my everyday life, i hate how people don't even look at each other and pass each other by, not saying say hi to everyone but smilling at people usualy makes em smile back.


Well-Known Member
the 6 condos by mine are empty so I dont see other neighbors all that often except this one old guy..we just wave when we see eachother. I dont really mind tho since my community is full of old people that I dont want to talk to lol.


New Member
shit where i lve u drive down the road people wave u can drive 30 miles to bum fuck nowhere and u pass a house they will wave wierd


New Member
Unless you know your neighbors, or want to get to know them, I'd say the head-down-nod-of-acknowledgment is sufficient.


Well-Known Member
I know most of my neighbors by their first names... nice to know there are people watching your shit if you're out of town.

the hashshasher

Active Member
I know most of my neighbors by their first names... nice to know there are people watching your shit if you're out of town.
exactly or just to watch ur back in general there was a lady 2 houses down from me and she always says hi and is very nice well one day me and some friends were sittin out on my next door neighbors porch when we realized sum kids actin really sketchy when she was walkin down the street and started followin her so we yelled to them what r u guys doin and they just looked at us then turned in the other direction and walked away


New Member
just look at them like u might kill them and u wont have this problem again
they will run the other way


Active Member
i'm casually friendly with my neighbors, for the most part. i'd rather they think i'm nice than to know me for the true asshole i really am. at least i like to think it'll reduce the chances of them complaining about me to the management :)

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Say an investigation is going on,
they review your neighbors and ask them questions.
If you say Hi and are freindly,
they will say.
"Yea he/she is a great person,
really cool personality."
If you ignore them.
"Umm im not sure he doesnt talk much,
not very freindly and keeps to himself."

Whats going to happen there?
Cha-Ching! Lol.



New Member
well i will say high to my neighbor
howdy neighbor

and btw they dont give a shit if u friendly with neighbors
so no reason to kiss ass but maybe it is nature

QUOTE=Nice Ol Bud;5023938]Say an investigation is going on,
they review your neighbors and ask them questions.
If you say Hi and are freindly,
they will say.
"Yea he/she is a great person,
really cool personality."
If you ignore them.
"Umm im not sure he doesnt talk much,
not very freindly and keeps to himself."

Whats going to happen there?
Cha-Ching! Lol.
