Shouldnt Leafs Start Yellowing, Advice Please


Active Member
Hey all,

Just want to ask a quick question. Last year growing, the plants started to get yellow leafs at the end of blooming....which I read this to be normal....however this years plant which looks about almost done, does not show any signs of yellowing leafs. Does this mean that I should let it continue to bloom?

Meaning....I thought when you would start to see the leafs yellow, this would be a clue that its almost done blooming....true?

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
While it is normal for yellowing at the bottom to occur during blooming, this is more of a sign of nitrogen deprivation due to growers switching to a higher potassium and phosphorous fertilizer. Odds are the plants haven't become starved of nitrogen yet, hence why they're staying healthy and green thruout the flowering.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing leaves are common near the end of the flowering cycle, many factors can explain why they may maintain their chlorophyl and remain green, one is, as stated, abundance of nitrogen, but many factors influence this common trait, amount of light and overall health of the plant, weather conditions and temperature, sometimes the plant remains amazingly green even at the bottom third of the plant until harvest time, indications of general health and vigor, they'll probably yellow up a bit, just part of the annual life cycle...