

Well-Known Member
last night i took 5 g's as well as my gf.. we went to walmart and bought a coffee grinder and grinded it into powder, then i got a tip from someone to take them with a shot so i did.. right after i took them i smoked a cig and played some zombies expecing to have some time b4 i came up.. took like 20 minutes and i was trippppin.. anyone try grinding them or taking a shot with em

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
I usually just chow down and gulp orange juice. You mean a shot of alcohol? I could see how that may give a jump start, don't think I'll trying that one though. Booze isn't really on my list of favorite things. I'll just wait for the fun guys to start on their own


Active Member
Hmmm...never thought of grinding them up. I find 5g to be a lot to get down (I usually chop them up and mix w/honey), so maybe I ought to try grinding. Do you just put a mouthful in and gulp it down w/a beverage?


Well-Known Member
last two times i grinded them into a chunky powder and then mix it into OJ with pulp, i don't believe in the OJ makes it better/quicker thing but it covers the taste and texture. Ground up does hit you fast and i like it becuase it gets rid of that "coming up" feeling really fast and you're into the fun parts, goes away quicker on the other hand though. When i last tried it i had around 4grams ground up with a small tolerance, anything more and i think it would ruin my trip by coming on too strong.


5gs of mushrooms is alot for me, i have tripped alot of times but im not a 'regular tripper' anymore, but if i eat 3g or 3.5 im tripping pretty god damn hard, i hate the taste very much as well my preference is LSD honestly, shrooms make me to tired


Active Member
yes taking a shot just before ingesting booms will make the psilopsybin extract from the shrooms faster. I find brewing a tea just below a boil DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BOIL it will destroy the psychoactive ingredients, grind or finely chop the mushrooms and let them simmer for about 45 minutes. After this you can add actual tea leaves, honey, etc to make the taste tolerable. Finally add about a shot of 80 proof alcohol 1 shot per 1/8th of shroom material. Cool to your preference and you will be tripping in about 30 minutes. Trips last about as long as just ingesting them raw but you feel a lot less queasy, and I feel I can control the trip a little better. Also, Psilopsybin trips feed on excess Vitamin C, so stock your body up before you have a big trip and it will last several hours more. Happy Thoughts!