Sick little lemon cake


Well-Known Member
Hey guys , back for a little help if possible.
I got Lemon Cake & Gorilla Zkittles on the go atm and the lemon isn't 100% and I'm wondering if some of you can possibly point me in the right direction as to what I should do because I'm actually stumped.

Present day = day 24 of Veg
Strain = sensible seeds lemon cake.
Hydroponics Dwc , Medium= rockwool and clay balls
Temps= day 80f night= 70f
Humidity= 35-40%
Nutrients= Advanced Nutrients Connisoir
Rhino Skin

My lemon isn't feeding and for weeks I haven't ever noticed the EC dropping , it hasn't even risen either.
Over a 2wk period I've noticed the colour slowly drain from the plant so I've played with the EC a little and still the EC won't rise or fall. Except from day 11 to 17.

Day 0-4 tap water (EC 0.37)
Day 4-11 light feed (EC 0.60)

Day 4 pH 5.7 EC 0.62
Day 6 pH 5.8 EC 0.63
Day 8 pH 5.8 EC 0.62
Day 10 pH 5.9 EC 0.62

Day 11to18 raised EC to 0.98

Day 11 pH 5.8 EC 0.98
Day 13 pH 5.9 EC 0.99-1.00
Day 15 pH 5.9 EC 0.99-1.00
Day 17 pH 6.0 EC 1.00

Because of the slightest rise I lowered EC slightly for 3 days

Day 18 pH 6.0 EC 0.89
Day 19 pH 6.0 EC 0.89
Day 20 pH 6.0 EC 0.89

I upped it from day 20 to 24 to EC 1.0 and for 4 days it's sat at 1.0 and it looks like it's getting more yellow with red viens appearing on leaves , one leaf is curling, no signs of burn from what I can see , what do you thinks up and what d you think I'm doing wrong..

Tia guys n gals...IMG_20200410_115403.jpgIMG_20200410_115354.jpgIMG_20200410_115346.jpgIMG_20200410_115329.jpgIMG_20200410_115255.jpgIMG_20200409_122220.jpgIMG_20200410_115244.jpgIMG_20200407_130928.jpgIMG_20200410_115216.jpgIMG_20200410_115150.jpg
I'm not saying your wrong here but that could kill it,, what if it's limit is half of what you just said. Just saying because I don't wanna burn it.
29, this might sound odd but i would up your ph to 6.0-6.3.. i used to run 5.8-5.9 and had the same issues, all my babies were yellowish, bumped up PH a little bit and solved. The reason i did this was i noticed on some charts that mag uptake pretty much dies off below 5.8ish so.. why run on the edge of that line and yellowing is a sign of mag deficiency.. worth a try.

This was just a quick one i grabbed for this post.. But if you notice 5.8 pretty much is right on the edge of mag and cal uptake and there is no downside of going up a little bit to like 6.1-6.3.

I'm sure someone will argue this, but every plant is different and that one change helped me a ton.
Thanks for stopping by ice , with adv nutes I've always ph'd even though they say you don't have to. They said to me in an email that with connisior aslong as the pH is in the range of 4.4 and 8.4 the plant will have everything available to it. I might just try your theory out tho for a few days and see if that helps.

I think I at some stage caused lockout but I'm lost trying to figure out how I rectify it.

Only thing I see wrong is my res temps (22-24c)
I cannot keep it down right now but roots seem fine, stained with humic and guanno from the grow nutes and the Organic Nirvana add-on but no rot.
. They said to me in an email that with connisior aslong as the pH is in the range of 4.4 and 8.4 the plant will have everything available to it.

That right there is the worst advice i have ever seen as far as growing weed goes... just completely insane. i used to run upto 6.8-7 cause i was lazy and didn't think it mattered and i chased problems for a year non stop.. it made me nuts.. I bought a real PH pen (Apera PH60) and it is easily the best thing i have done for my growing, i check ph every single night now and my plants are better than they have ever been..

As for res temps that's not THAT bad.. Personally i use Southern AG, $16 a bottle and works amazingly well.
I agree too that it's not the best advice ,that's why I check mine daily and set it to 6.0 at Res change. They pretty much say throw your pH pen away but I don't trust it and won't be doing so lol. Will go and bump it up a little since I ain't doing jack right now and will update the thread in a day or so.
If things go from bad to worse then I will post as I see changes.

Thanks for replying and fingers crossed...

Stay safe man.....
Following our little chat I upped both the Ph and the Ec..

pH from 5.9 to 6.3
EC from 1.00 to 1.25

Within the last couple hours the colour has started to come back a little bit and the leaves are now sitting pretty and straight instead of droopy and all slumped.

The solution here might have been to feed more aswell as up the ph so renfro I apologize if my comment seemed like I meant you didn't know what your talking about..

Will update tomorrow once lights back on.
Following our little chat I upped both the Ph and the Ec..

pH from 5.9 to 6.3
EC from 1.00 to 1.25

Within the last couple hours the colour has started to come back a little bit and the leaves are now sitting pretty and straight instead of droopy and all slumped.

The solution here might have been to feed more aswell as up the ph so renfro I apologize if my comment seemed like I meant you didn't know what your talking about..

Will update tomorrow once lights back on.

well.. 1.25EC is about 620ppm which is about perfect:) keep us updated in the morning kind of curious myself..
Today's pics..
There was a noticeable difference within a few hours of upping the feed and ph , leaves stood up nice and colour started returning.IMG_20200410_115255.jpgIMG_20200410_202255.jpg
Last pics were yesterday guys these ones are today's. Im not sure, it's starting to droop again a little.

well... i'm glad i could actually help someone :) Stay on top of your PH.. i check mine once a day after work and adjust as needed.

No worries and thanks bro. Yh I'm always checking the numbers coz ive had a few mess ups over the years and I'm still not comfortable leaving things for too long. I don't adjust or tinker , I just check numbers and write everything down so I can look back if something pops it's head up.