Sick of people taking your Lighters?


those are mega cute! I had to use matches this morning since my lighter got up and walked its ass away last night.


Well-Known Member
Someone gave me a pipe cozy with a pipe I got and I never thought I would use it... use it all the time now..


Well-Known Member
I smoked cigs for the bulk of my life, the wife and I quit 2+ years ago. Before that, I have to admit, I could go to a party and come home with 3-4 lighters every time. All of my friends knew I had a drawer in the kitchen that contained lighters that I had accidentally ended up with. If they were missing a lighter, it was a good chance they were in the drawer or, still in my pocket.

This was the norm for at least 25 years or more. Now, I have to search my ass off from time to time to find Kharma will always find her mark.

I actually bought a handfull of lighters once about 6 years ago, that stated on them " Get My Fucking Lighter Outa Your Pocket" and I gave all my friends one, and did not keep one for myself, in about 2 months, I had at least 4 back in my drawer and all I can do is laugh about it, because every one of them was handed to me by them, knowing I would more than likely end up with it. It was never intentional. I just wonder why I would ask for a light, when more than likely I had 2 or more on me. I guess I will never know. Lighter clepto I guess, cause I never really paid attention to it, till I got home and emptied my pockets.

I am glad those days are behind me now. I no longer have a lighter drawer, and I think I will keep it that way.

Peace and Big Buds for All !



Well-Known Member
Lol this is nuttin new, my friend back in HS took a shoelace and taped one end on a lighter and tied the other end around the leg of his couch in his room so when we would be having a session at his pad and someone would ask for a lighter he would just point to the thing tied onto the couch instead of handing em the one in his hand.


Well-Known Member
I'm Guilty of said Crime.:eyesmoke:
In all my time, I have been Cockroaching lighters. I have never been caught...LOL


Well-Known Member
i buy lighters in bulk now just cuz i kno someones gone pocket my shit i must of given out over a hundred lighters now but i think one of these would work better


Well-Known Member
I find buying pink lighters cuts down on "lost" lighters about 80%. Most of the people I know wont put a pink lighter in their pocket.. One look at and they know it's mine.