Sick plant. please help asap! Pics!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Looks like ph spotting just before full nutrient lock-out. Can you give us a little more to go on? Would you go to a doctor and say, "here look at this and fix it!" What nutes are you using? What is you ph level? Temps? what type of system do you have? Are you using R/O, tap or filtered water? Have you flushed? Do you flush? :)

see if you can answer the following questions:

What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
What is the Nutrient temperature?
What Nutrient's are you using?
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
What is the pH of the "Tank"?
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?
When was your last watering?
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
What size bulb are you using?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Are plant's infected with pest's


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have a few issues, the one leaf does look terminal!
The leaves show a few symptoms, claw drooping with a slight nute burn~
The big 2 as they can be called! Possibilities are over watering and
over feeding of some type either too often or too high of ppms!