Sick Plants Need help ASAP!


Hey guys so this the my second time growing so go easy on me. I’m rocking a 4x4x7 tent with 5 photo period plants. 1 green crack (Siamese twin) 2 chocolopes, and 2 cherry pies. We’re on about week 9 of veg however during the 2nd week, the light died and these guys were subjected to 4-5 days with no light and cold temperatures. They all recovered growth wise and get chugging along however the Siamese twin (green crack) and one of the chocolopes have had some issues as you can see in the photos. At first I thought it may be light stress so I rotated the pots around and after a week or so the plants placed directly under the 1000W LED showed no signs of light stress so I think it’s something else. I’m using fox farm ocean forest soil in 7 gal pots. I’m using 4ml of both Sensi growth A + B, per gallon of distilled water. I have fan blowing around inside the tent, a fan outside pushing air in, and an exhaust fan. All plants get fed the same amount, at the same time, so I don’t really know what’s causing the deficiency if that’s what it is. Also I guess an opinion on when I should flip into flower would be nice, as these plants are very bushy even after pruning however their only 10 inches tall, one is around 14inches. Temps are about 55-60, rh is about 40. If you got any ideas what’s going on with these guys let me know what I can improve!



Well-Known Member
Should I do a flush?
I think just normal plain tap watering can be better and watch what its going on further. In these pots you have quite enough nuts for a weeks. I would water them to some nice runoff (to waste) and wait. Also you can add some epsom salt to make yourself sure its not magnesium deficiency. I am giving like 5g per 15L. But its me and I am just a noob maybe someone else gonna give better shot


I’ll give that. Should I flush all the plants or only the plants with sick leaves and sick new growth?


Well-Known Member
I’ll give that. Should I flush all the plants or only the plants with sick leaves and sick new growth?
I would not flush nothing, just give normal tap watering when needed. I see flush as a last help, after that you do not have so much what you can do with the plants exept messing. Never give your plants food in same time. Try one a look how she responds and according to that feed the others. Plants in soil (or better say soilless) are not on a watering schedule, they are watered as needed so you can easily end up watering everyday one of your plant coz has dried up and rest still not yet and its no shame. Lift the pot to determine when they need to water and probably quit the distiled water, go just tap with no pHing down. PHing is when you feed and if you are lucky you do not need to pH at all. When you feed than start with the half reccomended dose is highly reccomended. You need to wait untill you see some kind of deficiency ussually on the first true leaves. If you gonna be forced to flush for restore pH and nutrient balance than use nutrient solution 1/3 - 1/2 strenght and pHed 6,5 - 6,7. But get prepared that things can start to look even worse after flush because its kinda stress for plant, but if you do it good they should come back on track. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so this the my second time growing so go easy on me. I’m rocking a 4x4x7 tent with 5 photo period plants. 1 green crack (Siamese twin) 2 chocolopes, and 2 cherry pies. We’re on about week 9 of veg however during the 2nd week, the light died and these guys were subjected to 4-5 days with no light and cold temperatures. They all recovered growth wise and get chugging along however the Siamese twin (green crack) and one of the chocolopes have had some issues as you can see in the photos. At first I thought it may be light stress so I rotated the pots around and after a week or so the plants placed directly under the 1000W LED showed no signs of light stress so I think it’s something else. I’m using fox farm ocean forest soil in 7 gal pots. I’m using 4ml of both Sensi growth A + B, per gallon of distilled water. I have fan blowing around inside the tent, a fan outside pushing air in, and an exhaust fan. All plants get fed the same amount, at the same time, so I don’t really know what’s causing the deficiency if that’s what it is. Also I guess an opinion on when I should flip into flower would be nice, as these plants are very bushy even after pruning however their only 10 inches tall, one is around 14inches. Temps are about 55-60, rh is about 40. If you got any ideas what’s going on with these guys let me know what I can improve!
i cant see a issue here? apart from your leaves look like they are curling down? over/underwatering maybe?
my laptop screen isnt the best so could be that.
no light etc for a few days they will have started to go into flower, give them chance to recover. however 9 weeks veg and they look that small i personally would just flip now or start again.