Side Lighting Experiment BLUE Light LED


Well-Known Member
I am beggining Early Morning BLUE Side Lighting Experiment to see if it results in thicker Stalks and sooner branch development .
Since the Internet states that Blue Light creates Denser , thicker , Vegetative Growth , then to me this implies Blue Side Lighting woulld also create Thicker Stalks on Brand New Sprout and Seedling in small and large Sizes .

I will also run red side lighting experiments with seedlings , sprouts and plants that are flowering .

Because my small garden is on a cart with wheels , I can just move the cart left and right , keeping the lights stationary , to achieve side lighting on sprouts , seedlings and flowering plants .

i do enjoy your scientific lean and do like all your posts, even tho i may not hit the like button all the time. good luck and hope you document this well to display empirical evidence.