Sign the petition to legalize


Well-Known Member
Between and .gov I think everyone had their fill of petitions, Obama knows what the people want, he's just chose to ignore you and listen to his advisors!

Good luck anyway.:peace:


Well-Known Member
It's easy to "choose" to ignore a little over 10,000 people. That's all that voted on all the questions at 600,000 votes total from just over 10,000 people on over 7300 questions. According to the National Survey on Drug use and Health there are 20-25 million admitted users of marijuana each year and they admit that their figure could be way too low, that there could be as many as 40 million users yet less than 1% voted at

There are currently over 62,000 signatures and counting on the petition about legalization that I posted. See that's the problem not enough people speak out when it counts. To many of us are more than happy to "preach to the choir" about marijuana law reform but when it comes to actually telling the people who can do something about it most are scared they might incriminate themselves. I understand believe me, I once thought that way but we have not had a chance to actually get change like this from our government in the past and I for one refuse to live in fear any longer.

I'm sorry if this petition has been posted before I did do a search for "petition" before I posted this and got no hits. Now I see at the bottom of this page there there are a few petition threads.

BTW is it REALLY going to kill you to take the minute to sign the petition? They do not ask for address only name and if you are registered to vote with space for an optional comment.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to sign right after this post, even though I'm in the UK!;-)

I think on .org it got 35,000 votes though I think the answer would be the same if it was 3,500,000.:wall:

I just looked at the petition and they want an email address to verify your signature so I can't vote 'cos of!:cuss:Also what's with the poxy 3oz limit? You couldn't grow much within that law!

At least the US movement is more organised than the UK, I signed a petition on Downing Streets site and it had about 40...yes I said 40 poxy f-ing votes!:wall::cuss:

Once again good luck and all the best.:-):peace:


Well-Known Member
Well...I'll pack you up a big ol'bong hit anyway for trying!

Hey at least you had class C for a little while anyway. Sorry to hear about going back up to class B, that's crazy. And I had just read a report saying that reported cannabis usage had dropped slightly while at class C too...


Well-Known Member
Oh nice one, if only you could pass it along.:-(

I chopped a bottom branch off yesterday even though the trichomes aren't even finished developing let alone turning amber, it was mainly to take my mind off not having anything to smoke. I'm going to dry it properly but won't bother with a cure then see how it smokes, I'm calling it a practice run.;-)

Classes B and C are both 14 years maximum for dealing or growing, the only difference is you are unlikely to be arrested for possession of class C but either way you lose your stash.:-(