Signs of Nutrient lock out. and signs of over watering,

Hey guys. i need a quick hand!

i recently got some plant from a buddy that were outdoor. i brought em into my house and put them in a 5x5 hydro tent under a 600w hps.

i feed with flora nova, bud blood and sea horse kelp fert. my local tap water ph is 7.2.

my run off ph is about 7.5.

my plants-------- the growth looks alll messed up. small, yellow veiny leaves. slow slow growth. leave arnt droping tho.

what do you guys think? and i geting nute lock out cause of the super high ph. or am i over watering?


What's the temperature?

And PH should definitely be down around 6. I'm sure that could be part of the problem, but it sounds like you might have a couple things going on. If you can get pictures, that helps big time!!


PH is to high, try some bottled water to start.
Yup, I'd have to agree. PH should never be more than 6.3, and that's if you're growing in soil. If you're using hydroponics/drip systems, PH should stay close to 5.7. Bottled water for now, and get some PH Down powder!

Temp is important, and yea you should be fine with that 25-30C range.


New Member
Yup, I'd have to agree. PH should never be more than 6.3, and that's if you're growing in soil. If you're using hydroponics/drip systems, PH should stay close to 5.7. Bottled water for now, and get some PH Down powder!

Temp is important, and yea you should be fine with that 25-30C range.
for soil grows ph needs to be min 6.3 to 7.0 lockout of most nutrients will occur below 6.2 and anything over 7.0 you start getting acidic

if your leafs are turning yellowish this means only 2 things over watering and or lack of nitrogen now being your ph is .2 over being nuetral my guess would be nitrogen