simple odor control?


New Member
Hi guys,

Me and my flat mates are growing a few plants under our stairs and its starting to smell in there.

How long will the smell linger once the plants are gone? We don't care about it
Smelling inside too much as we all know mainly for our rentals inspection!

Would it be worth installing a carbon filter even though the space is big enough to not need in and out fan system? (i just leave the door open when the lights are on.

Any help much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
the smell the longer it is in there will last longer .............and depends on the wood and other stuff inthere is it painted is it stained

if u are not worry about the smell and all the ppl there know .................grab yourself some of the plug in oil.....u walk by they spray things and it will blend into that .........unless someone knows the smell of it u will be covered with strait arrows .........................u can also look into a gel bucket or ozone gens .........but no need for a carbon if all the ppl living there are cool

use the ozone gen in the area after u have finished it will reduce the natural co2 in the air if u run during the growth/flower part


New Member
Thanks for the info, but wouldn't a carbon filter help get rid of the oder so it doesn't stick into the wood?

The interior is mainly painted but actual stairs (roof) is plain wood.

Thanks and any tips on getting rid of the smell after? Its just a quick ten min inspection of whole property.


Well-Known Member
the carbon filter just clearns the air going out of the room

the only way to protect the wood would to be actually to seal it with paint or make a air tight barrier around it ..............the carbon filter just lets u hide the air u exhange in and out of the room

u could try to keep the air flow high ......i mean it empties out every 15 secs

if this is what u are worried about ........................i am about to save u a shit load ........................burnt garlic and fish u messed up on cooking the day or before they inspect (normal nothing wrong with it shit happends) they come in look around the place stinks do to that it over powers any smell.................if i rem my renting law right they have to tell u 24/72 hours before they come in u know when it is coming the smell lasts for a day or 5 ........u can pick something else just think stinky and burnt from some bullshit reason


Well-Known Member
or steaming shrimp.......u know that fishy smell lasts for several hours or longer if u do not seal the shells up in a bag before they go in the trash


Well-Known Member
Hilarious and I've been thinking of changing it so I'll go ahead and do that. But I insist on a retard.

When people come to visit, I wash everything, all the sheets, pillow cases, clothes, towels, everything. Then I febreeze everything, the couches, walls, carpet, etc. I open the windows and probably put down some carpet powder and vacuum. If it still had a smell, cook and use ona. I depend on ona.
just rem we got to look at stoned and or something else too if not several kind............mine is tom baker from doctor who 70s he was always little crazy so that is why i pick this icon


Well-Known Member
thanks ............. i mean that scared me and i have seen some messed up crap ppl do to each other

walk in a buddies place and if was doing something like that turn walk out of the place and never go back


Active Member
holy shit please for the love of god change that icon .........i feel i was assulted AND NOW HAVE A BAD IMAGED BURNED INTO MY BRAIN
AMEN brother! You are crackin me up.

PS Cook some fish, get an Ona, and seal them up with plastic for ten minutes. Inspectors know mj when they smell it. Don't mean to make u paranoid, but u should be a little about officials!