simple possession in South Carolina


i was on my way to my friends house and as i was pulling up to his driveway a undercover blazer pulled me over and searched my car. turns out they've been staking the place out for awhile and busted me. so i had less than half a gram on me when the cop found it. the first instict when i saw those blue lights turn on behind me was to grab the weed and swallow it, unfortunately i couldn't get it all in so i spit it out and thats what the cop found. but i still hadn't had my second offense for simple possession of weed settled and know i get the cuffs slapped on me with even read my rights and charged for a 3rd offense. i talked to my lawyer and he says everythings cool and i won't be seeing any jail time. so my question is, has anybody been in a similar position as me and is there a good chance i won't see any jail time, cuz i go to college and shit and i've been clean ever since and have even taken rehab to stop getting in trouble. any comments?


Well-Known Member
Damn dude.... You could lose federal aid and have to pay any back if you received any pell or stafford money with a pot conviction. Why did you let the cop search your vehicle? People have died in foreign wars so you could enjoy your bill of rights. You gave away your 4th amendment right. Regardless of what the cop promised or threatened.... I'm sorry it happened to you, however, welcome to RIU.... Here you will learn to stand up and demand your rights. Cops don't like educated pot heads.


Well-Known Member
i got popped in SC too, twice for simple poss. Paid 1500 bux for a lawyer the 2nd arrest after going through pre-trial intervention. Lawyer does a plea bargain with the judge or something of the sorts, u have a good chance of dodging trouble witha lawyer at the cost of a pretty penny..The world is a fucked up place, if it wasn't for fucking South Carolina i'd have 3 grand in my pocket from court expenses and bs.