Sinsimilla seeds


Active Member

I am aware of a plant that is about 5 months old. It definitely had NO males around it except 3 months ago, and they were pulled immediately upon identification. There was no pollen release that could be seen.

Seeds were random, but later research points to the possibility that it is in the Super Silver Haze family. Based on visual comparison, incredible terpene levels, and potent smoke. 1 hit and you are done for about 30 minutes.

The environment is HPS, 75 degrees (might have gone as high as 90 occasionally, but only for a short while and was well hydrated), low humidity, 12/12. It was 24/0 the 1st 2 months until flowering. High N during veg, high P/K now, lots of assorted other nutrients (low doses of course), distilled water, perfect balance between wet and dry to ensure good root oxygen. Lights during veg were T5 veg spectrum. Room is HEPA filtered continuously, has an AC unit, and a dehumidifier. Temperature was measured via laser remote sensor on leaf tops to ensure no hot spots.

It is tied down, with 9 "top" buds, oozing with glands. The colas are large, with multiple levels as it generates new buds every week.

It is beautiful. But it has 1 bud that is odd, like it can't decide if it want to be in veg mode, flower leaves elongated, small pistil count, silly looking.

About a month ago it needed to be moved. It went on a road trip, and then was put away for a few days in not the best environment. Low light, no fan, and the person who had it did 24/0 until a couple of days later. Must have been a bit stressed.

I assume the odd bud is due to the light issue.

The person who had it noted that it seemed to be producing seed pods. That odd bud didn't exist then. WTF? Naw, must have been fooled, impossible!

All of it's sisters were harvested a month previous, not 1 seed. Same environment.

Now, a month later, 1 bud was cut. And wouldn't you know it, there were 2 seeds in it. They look perfectly ordinary.

Visual inspection of plant shows the odd bud has a bunch, and the other buds may have a couple a piece.

So, what happened? Can the plant just produce seeds because of stress or some other factor? Maybe a bit of pollen was floating around for months, but this room is practically sterile. It has no external air flow other than an occasional open door, and there was no other possible source of pollen in that time frame.

And what to do with the seeds? There is no plans for cloning, just a few planted next year. Are these seeds any good, or should they be shunned?

By the way, this is a 1st time grower.


Well-Known Member
Is it possibly that it was a hermie and you didn't spot it? If so, your seeds should all come out female though will likely be more prone to turning hermie under stressful conditions. They should be fine. Happy smoking!


Active Member
This was a later bloomer, that is why it is still around, and I might have been distracted with the others.