SirPsychoSexy - first box build and first grow


Active Member
Journal of the construction of my first grow box and the growing of my first plants.

The only viable place in my living space for growing seems to be an old trundle bed which is no longer big enough for my girlfriend and I. The dimensions (vertical at least) are extremely limited...roughly 6' long, 3.5' wide and with the top on a mere 19'' deep. My plan is to grow some clones for planting outdoors when the weather is right. Once those clones are outside I plan on using my box for starting AND finishing plants throughout the year. Because of the limited vertical space, my plan will be to thread the gorwing tops of my plants through horizontally mounted chicken wire and move the plants horizontal as they grow, thus creating a sort of SoG horizontally with each plant if you see what I mean. Any input on anything posted here would be appreciated. Peace and happy growing.

The Box

Lights: Two, 6 socket vanity bars fitted with socket splitters for 12, 23w, 1600 lumen CFL's each. Total of 24 CFL's.
Total consumption: 552w
Total output: 38400l

(two of these)

Frame: The bed is essentially a good-to-go space. I plan on lining the bottom and sides with 3mm plastic sheeting (transparent) and then a layer of mylar or mylar substitute (likely shiny wrapping paper). Both films will be affixed with a combination of staple gun and duct tape.

The lid to the box will most likely be a sheet of hard wood plywood attached with two small hinges along one of the long sides of the bed for easy opening.
The lights will be attached to the underside of the lid
A full mattress and bed setting will sit on top of the plywood lid for stealth



Well-Known Member
Will the mattress be easily movable because you will be needing to lift that thing around 100 times throughout a whole grow. Not to be underestimated..
Then one more thing that comes to mind is air, youll need an air in and outtake, not only for fresh air but for cooling. Any thought about that so far?


Active Member
Will the mattress be easily movable because you will be needing to lift that thing around 100 times throughout a whole grow. Not to be underestimated..
Then one more thing that comes to mind is air, youll need an air in and outtake, not only for fresh air but for cooling. Any thought about that so far?
Yes, the mattress will sit on top of a door which will be hinged along the side closest to the wall. There will be a handle on the door (hidden under the mattress) so that it can be easily lifted. As far as air replacement I figure I'll work out some sort of a vent system below the headboard area...not really sure how I'll light-proof that though.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. One bend in the line can help. I use the insulated flexible ducting. Costs a little more , insulates the sound and isn't reflective. VV


Well-Known Member
A hint for your air needs, around six to eight computer fans should work, you can easily splice all of them into a cut extension cord and then plug it into the wall. Simply place the intake fans to the front of the bed so they can pull in more air that isnt blocked by the wall,a nd put your extake fans to the back where the headboard is, the great thing about it is, they are quiet and with such a low profile place, you won't have to use many of them, if you are having trouble finding comp fans, simply PM me and I will see if I can't find a way to mail you a few.


Active Member
Nice, thanks for the tip. What sort of fans do you use in conjunction with the ducting? 80-120mm computer fans or something?


Active Member
A hint for your air needs, around six to eight computer fans should work, you can easily splice all of them into a cut extension cord and then plug it into the wall. Simply place the intake fans to the front of the bed so they can pull in more air that isnt blocked by the wall,a nd put your extake fans to the back where the headboard is, the great thing about it is, they are quiet and with such a low profile place, you won't have to use many of them, if you are having trouble finding comp fans, simply PM me and I will see if I can't find a way to mail you a few.
Hmmm...yeah I'd have no trouble getting the fans...I build computers sometimes and have lots of friends that do the same. Only aren't they mostly 12v? Wouldn't plugging them directly into 120v be...bad? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I myself havent done a grow yet man, but a freind of mine did and asked me what to do on the same issue, and this worked VERY well in a confined space, I would recommend 120 mm because they pull/push much more air than a 80 mm. As for setting them up, it is really simple, the fans have a groove around the outside of it with walls to each side, just cut a correctly sized square into your "bed skirt" and slip it in the place good duct tape around the edges to ensure there is good air flow going on.


Well-Known Member
No it wouldn't because I have plugged them directly into a wall socket before, plus, you will be splicing ALL of them to the same cable.


Active Member
No it wouldn't because I have plugged them directly into a wall socket before, plus, you will be splicing ALL of them to the same cable.
Cool, I'll likely end up doing something like that, the relative silence of them is a big plus. My landlord has been in here without warning when I wasn't home before and that bothers me. I'll keep posting pics of progress as it comes along. I'm getting 3 types of clones from a friend to start in this box; Silver Pearl, Super Skunk and a strain put together by some of his friends which they call Romulan. My original intention was to simply use this until I could put things outside but I'm beginning to think that I could finish plants in it as well. Thanks for the tips. :peace:


Well-Known Member
No problem, as for growing the plants until harvest under the bed, unless you raise the entire bed frame itself you may want to top the plants.


Active Member
No problem, as for growing the plants until harvest under the bed, unless you raise the entire bed frame itself you may want to top the plants.
Well my idea was to attach some chicken wire parallel to the floor (maybe only 3 inches below the bottom of the lights). As the plants grow I'll lace them into the chicken wire and move the pots down the length of the bed farther and farther...essentially growing the plants sideways.


Well-Known Member
6-8 PC fans seems very unpractical. although these fans are very good for small grow spaces id use a regular fan before splicing 8 small ones. However 3-4 could work, you mainly need fans to blow air OUT and some holes without fans. The air will get sucked in automatically. A fan or two inside might be benificial for better air circulation. YOu can use phone charger cords to run the fans, they are 5-12V


Well-Known Member
good idea val, i didnt consider doing it that way, but that will be one hell of a plug strip, also, how could PC fans be unpractical considering that he is indeed growing in a small space?


Well-Known Member
Well my idea was to attach some chicken wire parallel to the floor (maybe only 3 inches below the bottom of the lights). As the plants grow I'll lace them into the chicken wire and move the pots down the length of the bed farther and farther...essentially growing the plants sideways.
great idea for that little issue, however, would there be an issue with bud growing on the underside?


Well-Known Member
The tips/buds will grow through the net upwards, dont really want to tie them down. I say unpractical because why make 8 small fans instead of using one normal fan. Just a lot of wires and stuff around and finding 8 phone chargers etc is much harder. It would work though.