Six, 2 week old, plants (4 PICS)!!!How r they doin??


Well-Known Member
They look a little bigger than mine which are about if not just under 2 weeks old.
Is putting perlite all over the top a cool thing or what?


Well-Known Member
I mainly only put perlite over the top as a test. It seems to work well as a white reflective surface and as a block from light to make the soil underneath stay wet. Or at least thats wut its doing for the ones im using it on, im thinking of just using it on all my plants.


Well-Known Member
p.s i smelt the middle part of my plants where the new leaves keep coming in and three of my plants smelled like the chronnnn, i suspect it to be the hairs that are growing heavily on the stem and underside of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Damn thats pretty smart to use the perlite also to reflect the light, better than black soil for sure.


Well-Known Member
Uhm, they're coming along pretty well, but could use a little bit of help :). For about 2 weeks, the diameter of the largest leaf set (from the tip of 1 leaf, to the tip of the opposite leaf) should be between 12 and 18cm. What are yours?

Get your lights closer (I assume CFL's or Fluoro tubes) and have a fan blow across the seedlings. Those stems look a bit weak now, and if you don't fix it while you can, they might snap when you get them to flower!

The white rocks in the top are a great idea. This discourages fungus gnats, damping off, and premature drying! I assume it reflects a bunch of light too. Good call there!


Well-Known Member
i have a fan on going in my room 24/7 but its only on low. i would like to turn it up but itd be sooo loud and twice as strong as the speed i have right now so i thought it might break them right in half. Im thinking of getting a smaller fan to fit the space i have with at least 4 speeds so i can have more variety at my plants young age. theennnn i can switch back to the bigger fan when their about a foot tall or both:mrgreen:


Active Member
what if all the top fan-leaves only have 3 leaves instead of five???
it wasnt doing good, but now it is. so im not sure what the problem is..
anyone know???....


Well-Known Member
depends on yer strain i think, i have a few different strains going and a couple of the smaller ones have 5 leaf sets while a few of the bigger ones have only had 3 leaf sets but are just starting to pick up another pair

Lil Tyke

Active Member
Hi, I was thinking about the leaves when i started mine (from seed) 8june and they are now into second week of 12/12 and as they got taller they went from 2-3-5-7-9-11. and stand at 20" just now, and are just starting to show sex. hope this helps.:bigjoint:


Junior Creatologist
I'm completely new to the forum, and ive bin checking out everything everyone has to say on here. I just started a few plants out myself, all soil based (MG), and my setup is completely jerry-rigged and ghetto as shit. Im a first time grower, and i dont know how well im doin, but my plants are just under two weeks and they all look pretty much exactly the same as yours. So i guess im doin somethin right, lol. So far so good.


Well-Known Member
actually mine smell wierd to definitly gonna be dank... haha no need to say "r u retarded" considering u sound retarded cuz its true my stems have alot of air too... mine r a lil bigger than this but one of them that is a lil smalled is abot the same size as yours... dont worry they look fine put them near a window every ones in a while and they should b good