Six weeks flowering and Im happy(pics)


very nice indeed im on my first grow still on veg mode all natural no special soil or ferts / nuets just ll natural stuff. just out of intrest how long should i flower for i have 3 cheese plants


Well-Known Member
very nice indeed im on my first grow still on veg mode all natural no special soil or ferts / nuets just ll natural stuff. just out of intrest how long should i flower for i have 3 cheese plants
You should flower for about 7-9 wks depending on the strain!!

stink hole

Active Member
lookin good hope mine turn out that nice...check me out its my first grow i just made a thread and posted some pics
keep growin


Active Member
Very nice man, going to have a nice harvest wish I could burn it with ya. Workin on my first frow too, keep up the good work! :leaf: