Size of Pot


Active Member
I have seedlings now in Rapid Rooter pots and I'm ready for the next stage - transplantation to soil.

I plan to do LST in a grow tent. Do I put them into intermediate size solo cups, or should they go into the gallon size pots? What is the appropriate final size of the pot anyway so I can start stocking up at Walmart?



New Member
1gal. per month of veg growth......I don't know I never did LST,but I add my seedings or clones to 4 inch square pots And put them under fluoros,then transplant.....


Well-Known Member
The plant in the picture is in a far too small pot for the size if plant you want the biggest pot you can get in the grow room,the bigger root base the bigger the yeild.then you want to water thoroughly and let dry then fe peat the will know when the plant want more water the tub will feel doing this you will get a real healthy root mass and it will fill all the tub and not the bottom harf.if you do water say every 2 days then you will get plants that are preaturely root bound ,so water let dry re~peat the process.