Size of pots to start it? How many transplats?


So, I figured to fill 3 maybe 4, five gallon pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest (Yes!! I got a deal on Craiglist. Got 2 1.5 cubic foot bags for only $35. They asked what we were planning on having in our winter grow I was like undecided [ : :-P). When I figured out the females, I'd put them in that nice soil.

But to veg them, and start flowering ( to find sex before transplant), can I have them all in like 1/2 - 1 gallon pots? I am going to get some probably 1/2 gallon pots or maybe 1 gallons of miracle grow, and regular potting soil etc mixed up to do that in.

Cool? Sorry I'm so high right now I feel my brain like melting hard to make shit make sense :D :clap:

Thanks! All help is appreciated. First experiment with growth.. of tomatoes and shit?


Active Member
You can put them in smaller pots and then transplant them but doesn't it make more sense to start and finish in one pot? Just my two cents.


Um because I don't have enough soil to fill 10 bags with soil, only around 4. But if I started 10 in smaller pots with other soil, I'd have enough for just the females I want :D
or use smaller pots?

Unless you are veggin for months, 3-4 5 gallons is over kill. You can get an awesome yield out of 2-3 gallon pots or check into grow bags instead


Well-Known Member
I like to start out in smaller pots and transplant once just easier for me you will have to find what works best for you


Well I have grow bags. 10 5 gallon ones it was cheap. I only have 15 gallons of soil, as 7.5 gallons is $25 at the store...
That's why I can't start 10 bags with 3 gallons of soil in each, but I still want 5 females.

So I guess... I'll fill 10 1 gallon grow bags (that I will have to purchase, but grow bags are like $3 for 10 :D) with that and have 5 gallons of fresh soil left over. I'll grow them for a month, then start the flower. When I identify sex, kill the males and then transplant all females into 5 gallon grow bags with like, 3 gallons of soil. Re-using some of the soil that the males used before being killed...

Sounds good? You can do all that in a gallon right? By that time, maybe 2 weeks into flowering I'll have the money to get some organic ferts too! I really actually decide not to get miracle grow stuck in the business :O.


Active Member
Well I have grow bags. 10 5 gallon ones it was cheap. I only have 15 gallons of soil, as 7.5 gallons is $25 at the store...
That's why I can't start 10 bags with 3 gallons of soil in each, but I still want 5 females.

So I guess... I'll fill 10 1 gallon grow bags (that I will have to purchase, but grow bags are like $3 for 10 :D) with that and have 5 gallons of fresh soil left over. I'll grow them for a month, then start the flower. When I identify sex, kill the males and then transplant all females into 5 gallon grow bags with like, 3 gallons of soil. Re-using some of the soil that the males used before being killed...

Sounds good? You can do all that in a gallon right? By that time, maybe 2 weeks into flowering I'll have the money to get some organic ferts too! I really actually decide not to get miracle grow stuck in the business :O.

why not mix your own soil??


New Member
I start seed and clones(once rooted) in 16oz party cups and just transplant them to 3.5 gallon whenever i am dam good and ready for them lol...I try to get them out of the cups into their big pots as soon as possible but sometimes they have to wait awhile till I get new dirt ready.


Well-Known Member
There are different trains of thought on starting in the pot you will finish in for example 5 g pot . To keep the soil at the right moisture at the upper level of the pot ,where your seedlings roots are the bottom of the pot can stay drenched and cause problems .

Those who like to transplant like to do so because u get to score the roots to cause root branching and provide fresh soil for the new roots to grow into . And some do it because they are on a budget and can only buy small amounts of soil at a time.

I go rapidrooter,solocup,1 gallon pot ,then finish in a 3 gallon this is witha 4-5 week veg . It really depends on what u plan to do.The way I'm doing it is because I want more plants and less veg time. Next grow I want less plants and more veg time so I will go solocup,1 gallon,5gallon . Just be sure u cut your soil with large perlite so it drains faster .There are no soils that meet the drainage requirements we need that I know of.


Well-Known Member
the theory with starting small and then up-potting is that the roots grow outwards and hit the wall and then start spiraling around the pot instead of being inside the soil where the most nutrients and moisture is. If you let it do that in a small pot, then go to a bigger pot you will have a larger mass of roots in the center than you would by starting out in the large pot. How accurate that theory is I can't say, but it sounds plausible.


Right. So I am concluding that vegging 10 plants all in 1 gal pots until a foot high, then start the flowering timer until I can sex them. Ditch the males, and then transplant each female into a 5 gallon pot, all under a 400w MH / HPS (for flowering) light.