Size of pots


Well-Known Member
I am currently on my second grow. My first grow i used smaller pots maybe gallon size pots and for my second grow I am using much larger pots probally three to four gallon size. Does anyone know if this is going to make a significant difference in the size of my plant? I grow only one at a time for personal use and am trying to maximize yield the best I can.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, I'm doing the opposite. Several plants, in very small containers to start with, trying to make several tiny plants.


Well-Known Member
the larger the pot the more space for the root system.. the larger the root system the larger the plant can grow.. the larger the plant the larger the yield...

the only real exception to this is auto flowers... they need a ton of root space because of the speed in which they grow.. one grower i know uses 5 gallon buckets for his autos that stay under 2 ft tall...


Active Member
professor Cervantes has suggested that 3 gal pot would suffice, I'm currently using 3 gal pots and the plants are doing great