skinny leaves?

Hey Ya'll i have been growing the same strains for about 4 generations. Right now i have bubblelicious and aurora from nirvana at 6 weeks of flower and a couple them have grown super long and skinny blades on the fan leaves. have never seen this out of these plants. was wondering if there was a condition that caused this i am not aware of. plants are both indica.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I grew both and the leaves get skinnier during flower every single time,most do.
yep i hear that taint. but they are crazy skinny. some of them are only half in wide but 9in long with very little leaf material. ph is fine and i use sunshine mix 4 with advanced nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I am also growing Bubblelicious and am in the end of 3rd week of flower. This is my 4th bubblelicious grow, and everytime, the top leaves end up long and slender, looking like sativas, which it does have in it's genetics. The flowering time is as long as 10 weeks, another sativa flowering trait...
It's probably a hybrid and showing it's Sativa genetics. If you're looking for a couchlock stone you can just let go a couple weeks longer than recommended until most of the trichs are cloudy to amber.


Well-Known Member
I know what ya mean,long skinny single bladed leaves.
I get that when they get too close too a 1000 watter,too a lesser extent under 600's.
A pic and some medium info would help.
i am on a mac and my camera wont hook up so pics are not possible yet. but the medium is sunshine #4 and the noots are sensi bloom and some micros from advanced nutrients. the blades look like they are on sticks.