

Active Member
Damn the other night i heard some weird shit outside my house. I was sober and sitting there smokin a stoge. And i hear this fukin weird cry, it was a coyote, but it sounded like a person. Like a Yanigloshi(skinwalker). I was still sitting thinking wtf was that. It was pitch black. It kept on getting closer like jus over the hill. And fukin this horse ran up to me... like to the fence and it was jus standing there breathing hard and jus lookin at me. So i started walkin to it and it ran off. I can hear the hoof beats and all of a sudden i hear fukin like a bird takin off. Next day i traked it. I saw the the coyote traks->horse traks-> into nothing. Fukin tripped me out.


New Member
In Native American and OpenDNS legend, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires. Similar creatures can be found in numerous cultures' lores all over the world, closely related to beliefs in werewolves (also known as lycanthropes) and other "were" creatures (which can be described as therianthropes). The OpenDNS Indian word "limikkin" is sometimes used to describe all skin-walkers. It is also known as the Yenaldooshi.
:neutral: i hate it when shit like that happens.


Active Member
yea that shit is a trip man. Its a Navajo witch. Where i live, they say its were they orginate.

My grandpa would tell me storied that they were good people(skinwalkers) long time ago. When all the raiding and the fukin government pushing us off are land. These skinwalkers would scare the shit out of soldiers at night and recon forts.


Well-Known Member
In Africa we call them 'tokoloshe'.
Most whiteys don't believe in them, so when they see them, they turn even paler than a ghost.


Well-Known Member
In hawaii its night marchers that are ghosts of ancient warriors. They roam large sections of the island chains, usually they are seen groups of torches... but Ive heard crazier things like marching through people (never pure hawaiians btw) and the people they go thru get somewhat possessed, they are screaming out in the hawaiian language and usually are bruised up badly...from getting stomped on. My algebra teacher in hs said that one sat on her chest and she couldnt breath, and that shes heard they will make your murder by them look like a natural cause of death. :shock::o:shock::oI was scared shitless every night I lived there so for over 10years. No joke.


Well-Known Member
Where are all of the Buzz Killingtons to bring this thread down now? :roll:
Maybe if you don't ask they won't come. :mrgreen:

I'm currently up in northern canada near alot of isolated reservations, some of the natives tell stories of the same type of thing exept I think these are more like elves or very little ppl that live in the woods or under ground or something.

It's interesting stuff but even to this day when we use a flare on the job at night, it's a given that there will be mass reports of ufo's right after.


Well-Known Member
i think they were talkin about these skinwalkers on paranormal state one night.
Dude, I hate the main guy from paranormal state! He just seems like...I dunno, he just irritates me.

I like Ghost Hunters better, because they sit there and show you their evidence afterwards. I hate watching a show, and everyone starts going "Did you hear that?" "Did you see that?" "OMG what was that?" But it's like, I didn't see SHIT, so I'm not impressed.


Well-Known Member
I know.....I just like to talk shit sometimes!:twisted:
I didn't mean ne thing negative with that.:evil:

I was just thinking along the lines of "laws of attraction" my father is very bad that way. he is usually fairly negative and all his co-workers say he is the most unlucky guy they know. some won't even work with him cause even they believe that he attracts that stuff to happen. he'll say stuff like just watch we will be waaaay out in the bush miles from ne thing and get a flat. sure as shit flat tire. you know things like that..... all the time.


Master of Mayhem
I didn't mean ne thing negative with that.:evil:

I was just thinking along the lines of "laws of attraction" my father is very bad that way. he is usually fairly negative and all his co-workers say he is the most unlucky guy they know. some won't even work with him cause even they believe that he attracts that stuff to happen. he'll say stuff like just watch we will be waaaay out in the bush miles from ne thing and get a flat. sure as shit flat tire. you know things like that..... all the time.
Oh I know man!!!! I wasn't trying to be mean. Look at the smiley's :twisted: not :evil:!!!!!!

Topic's like this in general seems to attract debunkers and non believers, I was just wondering where they were by now. I know you weren't trying to start anything've always been cool man!!!!:cool: :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I hate the main guy from paranormal state! He just seems like...I dunno, he just irritates me.

I like Ghost Hunters better, because they sit there and show you their evidence afterwards. I hate watching a show, and everyone starts going "Did you hear that?" "Did you see that?" "OMG what was that?" But it's like, I didn't see SHIT, so I'm not impressed.
I know what you mean. i watched this one show where this dude was investigating what they called an iguanadon. Supposed to be a very large iguana like creature of dinosour proportions. so they have these cameras up in the trees wired to laptops back at camp. they are overlooking a dead chicken they hung in a tree. So all of a sudden theres the "Did you see that part, some blur on the screen etc" and they intantly run out there to find nothing. I'm thinking If there really is an iguanadon there and you run out there it's going to 1 kill and eat you 2 run away and you find nothing. sheeesh.

I woulda like to just sit and watch the cam and se if the things eats the chicken. Not sure what show that was but it was on space and I vowed not to watch that bullshit show