Skunky sprout?


Well-Known Member
I have some bagseed plants sprouted, one of them is about 2 weeks old, and is surely an indica judging by the leaf broadness.

ever since i started growing, i smell my plants vegetating. I know its weird, but it smells nice to me, that green plant smell. However, one of them(the indica) is smelling skunky already. Its strong too, smells just like a bag good bud.

Anyone know why it is smelling already or has anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
Completely normal for some strains. Just know that it will most likely stink 3x to 4x more when it starts to flower. Hopefully you take that into account when trying to mask the smell.


Well-Known Member
Completely normal for some strains. Just know that it will most likely stink 3x to 4x more when it starts to flower. Hopefully you take that into account when trying to mask the smell.
I feared this. Its a stealth grow.

Its really starting to smell nice. Man, It makes me want it already :D
