Slicing Roots?


Well-Known Member
I had been reading a conversation on another thread about transplanting, and it seems I may be missing a step.

Someone said that the person doing the repoting in a (misleading) instructional youtube video didnt cut the roots when doing a transplant.

Why would someone intentionally want to cut roots like that? I try really hard not to damage my roots.


Well-Known Member
You CAN trim the rootball down so you can fit it in a new pot without taking up too much room that could be used for new, fresh, soil, but it will slow the plant for a little bit. If you have the time it is a legitimate technique though. Cannabis plants can take quite a bit and recover perfectly fine in no time.Just not auto's since they don't have the extra weeks needed before flower. Same goesfor defoliating. As long as the plant has time to regrow bushy leaves it'll be fine. BUt you HAVE to let it heal fully.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of that...for when transplanting a severely rootbound plant. It triggers new root growth in a plant that has stopped growing roots. I wouldn't do it as part of a routine transplant. Another method is to shave off the sides of rootmass to reduce size (to make room for new soil) and stimulate new root. These are mostly for clone mother management...or houseplants.


Well-Known Member
I do it to my houseplants all the time and when i transplant outdoor plants from pots to the ground. Haven't done it to a cannabis plant but IO really don't see how it could do any harm? A plant is a plant is a plant. I'll try it next time I transplant into a bigger pot. I think it would help stimulate new growth.