Slick 50 Here With My Breeder Report For January 2011


Slick 50 is proud to announce the launch of Slick50seeds. Slick50 Seeds is a limited release company only California's finest Og varieties dedicated to serving the people that receive our seeds with the utmost follow up care. Slick50seeds will be releasing 1 strain every 90 days. There will only be 2500 seeds produced. We encourage all seed recipients to go to our site and post their grow journals and get advice straight from Slick50 himself. The site is under construction by please stop by and sign the guest book.



Well-Known Member
you can send me a seed and i will be glad to test your gear...i moved from LA to the south east all about cali strains so hook me up.


Why would you post an advertisement for a site that isnt finished yet...
Agreed. As someone who builds websites for a living, we don't launch or advertise anything till it's complete. You want the viewers to be impressed the first time they see a site and want to come back to see what's new. I like the idea you have and where you're going with this, but if I had a dime for every time I've seen an "under construction,check back soon the site will be live!" page, I'd have the best grow set up in the Hemisphere.