Slooooooowwww growth.


Well-Known Member
So… my veg tent is in my garage and it’s freezing at the moment, 0C to -6C outside probably no lower than about 4C in my tent as I have a light (obviously) and those lizard pad things under the fabric pots (which are shit and barely get warm if I’m honest) and a tube heater, which does provide some warmth.

My seedings are 9 weeks old now and I’ve flowered an entire set of other plants in the time these have been growing, or not really growing to be more accurate. They are really slow I mean not even nearly ready to flip.

I believe it’s the cold, because they look fairly healthy the new growth looks pretty lush, some of the older leaves look a bit knackered but generally they are healthy looking plants I’d say, The stems are pretty fat and robust etc. but they grow incredibly slowly. Like there’s been little change in a fortnight.

Now, I did top them once (before the really cold weather set in) which probably didn’t help, but it was mainly to let more light down on the new growth. I also changed the light schedule from 18/6 to 24h just to keep the temperatures up and consistent more than anything.

I read about slow growth and like everything to do with cultivation of cannabis, you can be given wildly contradictory information and with so many variables it’s hard to judge what is happening. Air flow is good, humidity is fine, light is fine (correct par/off for small vegging) they are being feed correctly, but are taking water/nutes very slowly as per growth. Everything is dialled in how I normally would, except for the temperature which is about 4C at most (even with heaters) but in all likelihood has been zero or below.

My seedlings notoriously take longer anyway because i don’t transplant them, I plant them directly into a 5 gallon fabric pot, which I know some frown upon, but it has been quite good for extending vegging time to match flowering time and keeping things nice and organised, But the weather has put paid to that.

Anyway my question is, are these plants stunted now? Or could they grow to a decent size before flipping?
Should I put them inside in a warmer temperature in order to stimulate them to grow? (This is only an option at this point because my flowering tent indoors has nearly finished) Or will that further shock them?

I think the answer is probably they will either turn out great (but perhaps small?) due to toughing out all the extra adversity, or they will die. Or worse still recover and then herm shortly after I flip them.

I’ve also committed the cardinal sin of not posting any pictures, (sorry) but I will upload some when I get home, just wanted to get some thoughts.

any help/comment/advice would be very much appreciated.
I keep fresh clips (no roots) in a cup of water, in the fridge for up to six months. Change the water at least once a week and they will keep for a long time in the fridge.

This is beneficial when pheno hunting for backing up plants without having a ton of rooted cuts around. Throw some clips in the fridge and if you find a gem you have snips ready to be rooted.

Keeping a cold mother room will definitely keep growth to a minimum.
I keep fresh clips (no roots) in a cup of water, in the fridge for up to six months. Change the water at least once a week and they will keep for a long time in the fridge.

This is beneficial when pheno hunting for backing up plants without having a ton of rooted cuts around. Throw some clips in the fridge and if you find a gem you have snips ready to be rooted.

Keeping a cold mother room will definitely keep growth to a minimum.
Nice tip!
39°f ? Yeah no wonder they are sloooooooooow..
Yeah I think to be fair it’s only been the last 3 weeks they’ve virtually stopped growing.
I figured it was the cold but we’ve had a mild autumn (maintaining temps about 10-15C) and then suddenly a cold snap and it’s winter now, in full force. Clearly the measures I’ve put in can’t combat the cold.
I got a grow specific tube heather thing…. That’s shit.
An experienced grower pal of mine recommended the reptile heat pads… also shitty.
So yeah I think bringing indoors and utilising my flowering tent after this harvest, is the only option, but that fucks up my rotation (just in winter) but it’s annoying. Unless I sort the temperatures out in my outside tent I thought about a more substantial heater but it’s all money and waste really.
Bottom heating can only do so much. It’s an assist and not a solution. Consider covering your tent with hard foam insulation panels. Sealed cracks with duct tape. One section left loose for removal to access the tent opening. Then an oil filled heater in it. Don’t open unless necessary.
Thanks for the input! Yes that’s a great idea!! I did think about creating an insulated surround for my tent, but the more stuff I have the more room it takes up (and grief I get!) and the more paranoid I get about fire hazards and such. Yeah that’s probably a good solution though.
I keep fresh clips (no roots) in a cup of water, in the fridge for up to six months. Change the water at least once a week and they will keep for a long time in the fridge.

This is beneficial when pheno hunting for backing up plants without having a ton of rooted cuts around. Throw some clips in the fridge and if you find a gem you have snips ready to be rooted.

Keeping a cold mother room will definitely keep growth to a minimum.
I do the same I've got my strains lined up for months, clean cuts clean water and they last a whhhiilleeeee
You can get one of these for around 50 bucks at Walmart, Home Depot etc. The electric heats the oil inside. They are very safe as they have overheating and tipping over censors. If you put it in the tent you would only need to run the very lowest setting. These are great for growers in the winter especially since LED doesn't put off heat like the hps. Used to heat my house in the winter with HPS only.images (3).jpeg
So everyone, what do you think is the minimum temperature you can have and achieve a good rate of growth?

I’ve only been vegging in the garage since last spring so I hadn’t run into this.
You can get one of these for around 50 bucks at Walmart, Home Depot etc. The electric heats the oil inside. They are very safe as they have overheating and tipping over censors. If you put it in the tent you would only need to run the very lowest setting. These are great for growers in the winter especially since LED doesn't put off heat like the hps. Used to heat my house in the winter with HPS only.View attachment 5237675
Yes thanks for the suggestion, oil filled are a great way to retain a steady heat and not break the bank.
Only issue I have is that I’m wall to wall with plants and don’t have room. My tube heater is currently mounted on the side of the tent (for what good it’s doing) and 4x5 gallon pots take up the entire footprint.
Although I could sacrifice one or two plants for the space, or just put them in smaller pots? I guess it’s a case of, do I want to grow between December and April or not? And I definitely do so this could be a good solution. Cheers!