Slow growth of seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower and would like to know if it sounds like my plants are growing at a normal rate. They are 20 days old now grown from seeds they are about 4 1/2" tall and starting to grow their 4th. set of leafs. While they look healthy to me I wonder if they should be bigger by now. I have had them under a 90 watt LED grow lamp for 6 days now with the light about 6" above the plant going on 18/6 cycle. The plants are a Indica strain called god bud that came out of Canada. Any information on what to do would be a great help.


I smoke God Bud regularly, but I have never grown it. If your plant is tall and spindly, I suggest using more light or moving your lights closer. If the plant is lush, healthy, and branching, I would give it a tiny little bit of diluted nutes and see if it responds well. Make sure you are not over watering as I heard this can slow growth. The roots need air and oxygen. Best of Luck


Well-Known Member
Move your LED light up about 2'. 6" is too close for seedlings. You'll stunt its growth or cause a deficiency. Pics would help. Sounds fine from your description. How fast they grow depends on the conditions they are given.


Well-Known Member
You probably transplanted the new seedling directly into a large pot without using a small pot in between.
If you go straight from seedling into a large pot your plant will spend weeks just growing the appropriate root ball.
Better if you TP into a 4-inch pot first and leave them there 2 weeks until they are slightly rootbound. This will let
the plant(s) start growing vertically almost immediately. Also, using the small in-between pot forces the plant to grow
more side branches. That's a good thing as more branches will translate into more bud sites.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Steve, well you are right that is what I did they went straight into a big pot. Just one more thing I now know to do different next time. But this is why I am on here and I learn something new and something else I should have done different everyday. Thanks for the info.