Slow Growth


Active Member
Blue Mystic Fem Auto's.

Almost two weeks old and only about 2" Tall. My last grow BM Was twice as big at 2 weeks. I used Superthrive on the last one and it was twice as big as my new grow. havent used anything on them yet.

Dual Spectrum.

two 6500 K CFLS at 100 Watts (23). 1600 Lumens Each
3oo watt CFL 2700, 4700 Lumens and a 100 Watt CFL Red 2700 at about 2500 Lumens.

Small Grow area, 2x2.5 Sq Ft.

Not Sure why these arent getting any bigger.

EDIT: I just Jumped the Gun and Hit it with Hydrated Lime, SuperThrive and a 1/4 Strength Nutrients Mixture. hoping this Picks up the growth.

SECOND EDIT: Now that I think about it, My last grow was a PC Grow and I can Expect Faster Growth in The PC as it is a very compact place with the amount of Blubs. More Light.


Active Member
thanks man I though tso. Look I just ordered the propagator from nirvana cause they were giving free regular ICE seeds with it. I didnt click the offer, I just added the propagator to my cart. kind of worried i wont get the free seeds. what do you guys think?


Active Member
Evening there Buddies.

I realized that when I initialy potted my sprouts, I didnt Have Much time to mix the perlite in, so I just kind of layered it and gave it a quick stir.

My ladies were sitting inside of a peat cup, place into my final pouches (pots), So, I got around the peat cups and pulled them out, very nice root system, (Bright White) and sure enough, I can see thick layers of perlite. I Managed to not damage the main system, So I decided to correct the thought of situation. These Girls ( Not Ladies Yet) Never knew They Were undressed as they kept thier Underskirts on.:)

Mixed up a nice batch of soil and more perlite, using same soil each plant was potted in, to keep my nutes and environment the same as it was.

These ladies will blast off in my opinion as I now have properly draining soil.

Spread it out, Soak it in.



Active Member
A Little Worried Here.

Its Pushing its 4th working on its 5th, But Low To The Ground and Its getting to me a little. Secondary Very Small.