Small setup, any very noticible problems? got pics

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
if your using cfls, your gonna need more. they also need to be placed 1-3in above plants. also i see 3-4 plants in each pot. u definately want to transplant soon before roots get tangled together. g/l

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
if your using cfls, your gonna need more. they also need to be placed 1-3in above plants. also i see 3-4 plants in each pot. u definately want to transplant soon before roots get tangled together. g/l
Yeah what he said, Transplant soon, up to the first set of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Should I transplant it right now or would that be a bad idea? I'm sure I could just take a large ladel and scoop out all the dirt surrounding the plants

weed monkey

Active Member
what kind of lights are those anyway? they look like halogen flood lights which i can tell you from experience will NOT work...


Well-Known Member
Phillips Agro-Lite (Apparently meant for plants) 75 and 120 watts.
They seem ok the only problem with em is that they're producing tons of heat for such a low wattage.. If I don't keep air circulating the temp hits like 90-95 degrees in my small box of growage

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
weed monkey is right they won'y work and create to much heat. get some 6500k cfl's to veg. yeah u can try scooping or pluck the weekest ones and keep one in each pot.


Well-Known Member
damn man im so happy i registered on this shit.
i'm a pretty big newb at this shit, what is cfl and can i get it at home depot??


Active Member
Yeah man just get those clamp lights you can get them all wall mart or home depot in the construction isle. $10 each or if you feeling constructive buy your self the house light bulb mounts you would put in your room for a normal light and splice the wires from what ever you want that plugs into a wall outlet and plug that shit into a electrical strip they make those v shaped ones with two lights for your front porch those are even better cause you get two lights for the price of one.then buy your self some energy efficent 125 W bulbs which are the ones that look like spiral $ 8.00 each. with that size of space I would drop six of them in there. They make this things actually labled growing lights and you can find those in the same section by the over head shops lights ($ 12.00 each) 6 of those around the plants that way you hit all sides. I would get a box or stool or something you can put CLF lights right next to the plant and they will grow quciker. Good I idea with the fan if you could cut some hole in that box and have another fan blowing the air out your temp will drop 10 degrees you want to be about 80. Your almost there bro


Active Member
I agree with mhender15 on the lights, if you can find 125W CFLs, get at least one shining straight at every pot. You'll need more lights once you transplant into separate pots.


Active Member
if all else fails and you cant find any fancy lights wich is doubtful try a standerd 300 watt shop light it worked out ok for me